5784/2024 Haggadah Supplement

Four Questions for Reflection and Reconciliation How different this night is from all other nights! On this night we come together across generations to tell the story of the Exodus from Egypt. At our shared table, we invite all who are hungry to come and eat with us, we ask questions of one another, we draw strength from the courage of Jewish communities across history, and we imagine a land of Promise in which all people can be free. Perhaps on other nights we have found ourselves at odds with members of our family and with friends. Tonight’s shared table offers us an opportunity for listening, lament, reconciliation, and imagination through four, additional questions for this year’s seder:

1. 2. 3. 4.

Since October 7th and the start of Israel’s war with Hamas, when have you felt pain? What aspects of the Exodus story resonate deeply with you this year? With which aspects of the story are you struggling? How can we use the story of the Exodus to connect with one another across lines of difference and disagreement? How can the story of Passover inspire us to envision a shared future?

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