Nécrologie Nécrologie Obituary REMERCIEMENTS
PICKERING | The Martel et Fils Maver- icks recently won the bronze medal at the Ontario broomball Provincial championships. The Mavericks team is comprised of women aged 17 to 35, who come from all over Stormont, Dundas and Glen- garry. Other women’s teams from the area, The Rebels and The Vipers, also competed in the tournament with The Rebels taking the gold medal. The Mavericks cued off their first game of the tournament against OSS. The Mavericks opened with an early goal just seconds in, scored by Tracy MacGre- gor with an assist from Tanya Longtin. The Mavericks were unable, however, to maintain their lead and lost 2-1. The tournament runs on a two-game knock- out system. The next game, therefore, was do or die for the Mavericks as they faced off against Polar Ice. The Mavericks were able to come out with a 2-1 victory, with both goals scored by MJ Van De Laar, both with assists from Amy Corve- nelli. The third game was against a local competitor, the Vipers. The Mavericks were able to come out with a 2-0 win, with both goals scored by Caroline Ranger, with one assist by Jess Nash. The Mavericks were able to climb their way up and needed to win against The Rebels to move onto the gold medal game. They were unable to do so, howe- ver, and came up short with a 1-0 defeat. In the end, the Mavericks left with third place and the bronze medal. Mavericks take bronze at broomball Provincials
RECHERCHE UN(E): Assistant/e juridique (contrat jusqu’au 31 mars 2015, possibilité de renouvellement)
MONSIEUR GERMAIN ROYER Les membres de la famille Royer désirent remercier sincèrement tous les parents et amis qui, lors du décès de M. Germain Royer, survenu le 4 mars 2014, à l’âge de 88 ans, leur ont témoigné des marques de sympathie soit par offrandes de messes, fleurs, bouquets spirituels, messages de condoléances, dons, visites ou assistance aux funérailles. Que chaque personne concernée considère ces remerciements comme lui étant personnellement adressés. THANKS JESUS FOR FAVOR GRANTED May the sacred heart of Jesus be praised and glorified throughout the whole world forever and ever amen. Say this prayer 9 times for 6 days and your favor will be granted. A promise of publication when favor is granted. G.M.
Le ou la titulaire de ce poste devra fournir, entre autres, les services complets de réception, secrétariat général et juridique tels que délégués. EXIGENCES: • Excellente communication verbale et écrite en français et en anglais. • Capacité à utiliser le logiciel Word et une facilité d’apprentissage pour d’autres logiciels. • Diplôme d’études secondaires ou collégiales. • Connaissance du milieu juridique serait un atout.
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Closing Bonspiel Winners
The Lisette Ladurantaye rink won the Closing Bonspiel at the Hawkesbury Golf and Curling Club. Leslie Dandy and Pierre Ferguson shared duties at third, Steadman Hobart (shown here with Ladurantaye) played second and Kevin Carrière played lead. The five-day bonspiel had a full draw of 16 teams. Final games were followed by a steak dinner and dance featuring the Cornwall band The Trench Town Oddities.
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