

«La Police Provinciale de l’Ontario et vous»

HAWKESBURY de Hawkesbury de la Police provinciale de l’Ontario (PPO) animera un programme visant à augmenter la familiarisation de la communauté avec son service de police. Ce programme intitulé «La police et vous» donnera un aperçu plus approfondi aux participants sur les ser- vices offerts par leur service de police. Voici le programme: Mercredi, 23 avril, 19h à 21h, Complexe sportif Robert Hartley, Hawkesbury, histo- rique et organisation de la PPO. Mercredi, 30 avril, 19h à 21h, salle munici- pale de Longueuil, 925, Route 17, L’Orignal, Le détachement

application du code routier et enquête de collisions. Les participants auront la chance de se familiariser et manipuler les outils du métier. Mercredi, 7 mai, 19h à 21h, caserne des pompiers, Hawkesbury, orientation sur les services d’urgences de la PPO. Démons- trations et familiarisation des équipes tac- tiques (Unité de tactiques et secours, Unité canine, Unité d’ordre public et Unité d’in- tervention d’urgence). Mercredi, 14 mai, 19h à 21h, École St-Vic- tor, Alfred, aperçu des services d’enquête et d’identité judiciaire. Mercredi, 21 mai, 18h à 21h, Centre com-

munautaire de Chute-à-Blondeau, présen- tation sur la police et les services commu- nautaires. BBQ et cérémonie. Les sièges

sont très limités. Pour s’inscrire, envoyez un courriel à l’agent Pierre Dubois avant le 21 avril à


police beat

Flatbed trailers stolen The Hawkesbury Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) detachment is trying to track down the culprits responsible for the theft of two commercial flatbed trailers near Hawkes- bury earlier this month. Constable Walter Vandergoten was sent to the scene of the theft at a parking lot situated at the intersection of Greenlane Road and Highway 34. The investigation re- vealed that two commercial flatbed trailers, valued at approximately $30,000 each, were stolen sometime between April 3 and 7. The trailers were owned by Contrans Flatbed Group GP Inc., which operates a commercial transport company based in Hal- dimand County in Ontario. The trailers are a 2012 Alut Trailer, silver, serial # 2T9FL4AM- 4CA133308 and a 2012 red, East Trailer, serial # 1E1H5Z588CRE45938. Break-in investigations The Hawkesbury OPP detachment is investigating several break-ins that have been committed over the last month. A day-light burglary at a Cunning Road residence in East Hawkesbury occurred April 9. Someone gained access through a front door and stole an iPod Touch, iPod Shuffle and a large amount of jewellery. Constable Jonathan Bouchard is investigating. Constable Alain Potvin is investigating a break and enter incident that occurred also April 9 at a County Road 3 residence in the municipality of The Nation. The thieves entered through a front door and took off with a collection of coins, personal informa- tion documents and jewellery. Vehicle stolen Hawkesbury OPP Constable John Léger is investigating a break and enter that was reported April 11 at a Cameron Street, Hawkesbury warehouse. The investigation suggests that someone gained access to the warehouse sometime overnight causing damages to the property and a truck. The bur- glar was able to steal a 1997 Hyundai Accent that was on the property. 15-year-old arrested A 15-year-old boy has been arrested after officers were sent to the scene of a theft at a Salisbury Street, Hawkesbury residence on the afternoon of April 9. Constable Yan Faille found that the boy had visited the residence overnight and had refused to leave. When he did leave the next day, he stole DVDs and a watch. The young person is charged with breaking into a residence to commit an indictable offence. 27 charges During the week of April 7 to April 14, Hawkesbury OPP officers responded to 192 occurrences and laid 27 charges. Four break -ins, four assaults and one theft were re- ported. There were no impaired driving charges laid.

Photo Richard Mahoney

Cooler weather caught many people and many geese off-guard Wednesday; however, the cold snap did bring some relief to flooded zones across the district. Higher than normal water levels are still present throughout most of the South Nation River watershed and some nuisance flooding lingers in low-lying areas. But water levels throughout the basin are receding and returning to normal, relates Ronda Boutz, spokesperson with South Nation Conservation. Meanwhile, Grenville-sur-la-Rouge continues tomonitor levels in the Rouge River. Updates on flows can be viewed on the municipality’s web site.

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