editionap.ca OPINIONS We need to know what public workers make
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Alfred Les Filles d’Isabelle du Cercle Ste-Elizabeth de Hongrie d’Alfred fêtent leur 45 e anniversaire de fondation le 25 mai avec une messe à 10h45 à l’église St-Victor d’Al- fred, suivie d’un déjeuner à la salle des Chevaliers de Colomb. Réserver vos billets avant le 16 mai auprès de Pierrette Roussel (613 487-2701) ou Claudette Lavoie (613 679-4597). Grenville Assemblée générale annuelle du Club FADOQ V’là’l’bon temps de Grenville, le jeudi 8 mai, 18h, au Centre communautaire de Grenville, 21, rue Tri-Jean. Réserva- tion avant le 1 er mai, Denyse Woodbury : 819 242-4406. Grenville-sur-la-Rouge Activités de Pâques gratuites pour les enfants, le samedi 19 avril de 13h à 16h, au Centre communautaire Campbell de Grenville-sur-la-Rouge. Renseignements: 819 242-3232 Hawkesbury Dr. Joe Schwarcz of McGill University, also known as Dr. Joe» on television and ra- dio, will speak on Music and Molecules at a dinner meeting of the Hawkesbury Sec- tion of the Chemical Institute of Canada Tuesday, April 22. The meeting will be held in the second floor dining room of Restaurant Carole, 292 Main St. East, Hawkes- bury, with dinner at 6 p.m. and the lecture at 8 p.m. The general public is welcome, but anyone wishing to attend is asked to call Don Mutton at 613 632-3331 or Elliott Gardner at 613 632-8592 before noon Monday, April 21. Tournoi de Scabook samedi le 26 avril à la salle des Chevaliers 2183, 393, rue Wil- liam, Hawkesbury, dès 13h30. Info: 613 632-2633. Soirée de danse organisée par le Club 50, le mardi 29 avril, 19h30, au 421, boule- vard Cartier. Renseignements : 613 632-8294. Vankleek Hill Russell Gauley Breakfast, in aid of the Canadian Cancer Society transportation program, will be held Sunday, May 4 at the Vankleek Hill Arena from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Info: 613 678-3760. Activities at Champlain Library, Vankleek Hill: Environmental Extravaganza Earth Day Poster Contest: Draw or create your own poster about planet Earth with the theme “’Why I love trees”. Submit your poster before April 22. Wednesday, April 23, from 1:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m., Knitting & Croche- ting Club, Thursday, April 24 from 4:15 p.m. to 5:15 p.m., Viking games for children aged 10 and over. For more information, http://bc-cl.ca/programs-and-activities, info@bc-cl.ca., 613 678-2216, 94 Main St. E., Vankleek Hill. Fassett Le Club de l’âge d’or de Fassett organise son souper et sa soirée dansante de fin d’année le 5 mai à 18h au Centre communautaire de la municipalité. Réserver vos billets avant le 28 avril. Information: Manon au 819 423-6232. Plantagenet Souper spaghetti organisé par le Club Lions de Plantagenet, le 2 mai, de 17h à 19h, à la salle communautaire de Plantagenet. Pour billets: Serge R. Lalonde 613 673-5186. The Plantagenet Lions Club will host a spaghetti supper May 2 from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. at the community centre. Tickets: Serge Lalonde 613 673-5186. L’Unité Eau Vive (les 6 paroisses des secteurs Alfred-Plantagenet) organise une retraite animée par Jacques Gauthier, à l’église St-Paul, Plantagenet, du 28 au 30 avril à 19h30. Il parlera des “Chemins de la prière.” Info. 613 673-4348. Les Chevaliers de Colomb de Plantagenet organisent un souper de fèves au lard, de macaroni et de pâté chinois le 25 avril de 17h à 19h à la salle communautaire. Info : Rhéo 613 673-4643. Lefaivre Le bazar annuel pour la paroisse St-Thomas aura lieu le dimanche 25 mai à partir de 13h à l’église. Des billets seront disponibles à la porte. Le tirage aura lieu à 19h30. Les gagnants ne sont pas obligés d’être présents. Un souper (ragoût de bœuf, pré- paré par Enrico’s de L’Orignal) sera servi au Centre Communautaire à partir de 16h30. Info.: Jacques Lavoie, 679-4261. Hammond The St. Francis Xavier Catholic School Council is organizing a fund-raising fashion show May 10 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., featuring the latest fashion wear from several local vendors. A silent auction and a bake sale will also be held. Vendors interested in renting a table or those who would like to donate items for the silent auction or raffle are asked to contact Marie-Hélène at mhdq11@gmail.com, 613 296-9306 or Jason at 613 446-1195. Le Conseil de l’école catholique St. Francis Xavier à Hammond organise un défilé de mode le 10 mai, de 11h à 15h, avec les dernières modes des entreprises locales. Un encan silencieux et une vente de pâtisseries feront également partie de cette journée. Si vous êtes un vendeur et êtes intéressé à louer une table ou si vous dési- rez faire un don d’objets pour l’encan silencieux, communiquer avec Marie-Hélène, mhdq11@gmail.com, 613 296-9306 ou Jason, 613 446-1195.
men work. A lot of farmers and other pri- vate business folks would think they were on vacation if they only worked 42 hours per week and most of them do not make half of what these fire fighters make. He talks about the other emergencies they have to respond to and he is right but all of us have to be ready to respond to the things that happen in life and that is part of life. Just do it and quit bragging about it. He talks about the health risks. Certainly there are some but many other profes- sions are as dangerous to one’s health and the folks working in those professions are not complaining about it and are making much, much less than the Hawkesbury fire- fighters. It is important for us to know what the public sector workers make because we pay every cent of their wages. It is impor- tant for public servants to know that reti- red folks, and nearly all the rest of the folks who make nowhere near these ludicrous wages, are struggling to pay hydro bills and all the other bills that we have to pay because of public servants. I am not saying they are not doing their jobs well. I am saying they are taking way more than their share for what they do. When you push people enough, the reactions may not be pleasant for the folks who are abusing the system. I will say it again. Public servants should not be deciding how much public servants make. Joe Kelly Hawkesbury
I would like to reply to Mr. Bourgeoys let- ter published in last week’s edition of the Tribune-Express. Mr. Bourgeoys was tal- king about the firefighters of Local 1677 in Hawkesbury and the fact that his salary and those of others were part of the Sunshine List, a list of all provincial or municipal em- ployees who earn more than $100,000. Mr. Bourgeoys claimed that the Sunshine List does not tell the whole story. Public em- ployees, however, work for all Canadians and all their wages come out of the private sector in one way or another. Therefore, it is anyone’s right to know how much they are compensating the employees who work for them, the private sector. Firemen probably do work 42 hours per week on average but I happen to know a few firemen and they all like to tell you how great they are at preparing wonderful meals for each other at the fire halls and I know they all have very comfortable beds at the fire hall and on night shifts they sleep like the rest of us. Nothing wrong with that I guess but how many of the rest of us get paid $184,000 per year to sleep a good part of any night shifts we work? I would guess if the whole truth were known they probably sleep 1000 hours per year and I am likely low in that estimation. He states that they are very experienced firemen because of their seniority and that may or may not be true but $184,000 per year is a huge amount to pay folks who fight a few fires per year, experience or not. He talks about the overtime these fire-
The Upper Canada District School Board is looking to recognize employees whose innovation and creativity “will take us to the next level.” The second annual Trustee Innovation Awards were created last year to recognize crea- tivity and innovation among board staff that advance student learning and workplace efficiency, said trustee Caroll Carkner. “We want to recognize people who are beacons of best practice – the kind of custodians, teachers, educational assistants, office administra- tors, and other staff who can teach us all ways to get better to benefit our students and our organization,” said the Prescott-Russell representative on the board. Last year, the board recognized a variety of innovative practices from teachers who used advanced technology to include special education students in classroom learning to an educational assistant who uses iPads to engage students. School board to recognize innovative employees
INFO: Complexe sportif Robert Hartley 613-636-2082
(Monday to Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.)
The Recreation and Culture Services offers a variety of activities for all children ages 5 to 12 years old.
The cost for the day camp (including daycare services – 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. and from 4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.) is $125.00 per child per week.
INFO: Complexe sportif Robert Hartley 613-636-2082
INFO: Robert Hartl y Sports Complex 613-636-2082
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