Your Crescendo - Dogwood Alliance Strategic Planning


February –March 2020

Planning and consultations  Establish specific timing, deliverables, and process for undertaking the work envisioned.  Preliminary consultations with board and staff to inform detailed planning.

Key deliverable:  Detailed strategic planning process and calendar

Finding Your Forte

April – July 2020

Strategic Articulation Development  Vision Casting: Think Big, Start Small, Scale Fast

 Headline Indicators: How will we drive and measure our success?  Differentiators: What things must we do differently goingforward?  Strategic Priorities and Critical Initiatives

Key Deliverable:  A complete draft of a strategic articulation plan

Composing Your Masterpiece

August - November 2020

Revisions and Finalization  Present strategic plan draft to the full board of directors during its August meeting in Bricks, North Carolina.  Finalize the strategic plan,  To be approved during the November board call (via Zoom).

Play Your Crescendo

Key Deliverable:  Complete and final strategic plan.


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