Neck Pain 101
In many situations, pain that develops in the neck can be associated withoneoftwomajorproblems.Thefirst isupper-backpainthatbegins to radiate into the neck. The second is arthritis. Physical therapy can be used to address both types of neck pain. Cervical arthritis causes frequent aches in the neck and shoulders. Thispain isgenerallyworsewhentherearesuddenchanges inweather or at the end of the day, and while over-the-counter medication may make the pain less severe, it won’t eliminate the pain entirely. The biggest problem posed by cervical arthritis is that the pain will typically cause a loss of range of motion in the neck, which actually increases your risk of injury as a result of a sudden movement and causesregulardiscomfortandfrustrationasyouarenotable toutilize yourneck in thewayyounormallycould.Thereareplentyofsituations inwhichpain intheneckasaresultofcervicalarthritisgrowssosevere that it can cause chronic poor posture and even a reduction in height. Addressing the Core Problem The majority of neck and head pain can be helped with one simple strategy: strength building. It frequently happens that the absolute cause of the start of a pain in the neck or head is a result of poor posture or quickened motion, and building core strength, as well as strength in the neck, can make a huge difference in your ability to handle tasks without experiencing chronic pain. Keep inmind that theneckandheadaresensitiveareas,soattempting to treat the pain at home can be dangerous and may not be effective. Workingwithaphysical therapist is thesafeway toensure thatyouare practicingpositive techniques tofindrelieffromyourachesandpains.
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