Mentoring (CONT’D FROM PAGE 30)
Discuss privacy : “The issue of confidentiality should be put on the table,” says Frankel. “The mentor should assure the mentee that any shared information will remain private. The mentor might want to ask the same of the mentee to facilitate candid and unguarded discussion.” Be honest : “Don’t be afraid to say you do not have the answer to a particular problem for the mentee,” says Star. “Take steps to help them find the answer and you will both Assess the quality of your mentoring effort by asking mentees for feedback. “Periodically seek insight into how the initiative is going,” says Goruk. “If you get a blank stare when you ask ‘How am I helping you?’ maybe you have not been very helpful. Remember that you are engaged in a process of developing new leaders. If you are not doing that you are wasting your time as a mentor.” learn in the process.” How Are You Doing? You should also assess the quality of your organiza- tion’s overall business training initiatives. “Start with a 360-degree survey, to find out where your mentoring pro- gram is now,” says Goruk. “Then redo the survey a year down the road to see how well you have advanced. Identi- fy areas for improvement and encourage mentors to work on them.” A quality mentoring program will assure your business retains critical skills and expertise when good employees leave. Try to extend the mentoring process to every indi- vidual who shows promise, no matter what the work level. Says Goruk: “The further down you can take your mentor- ing program in your organization, the more profitable you will be.” Phillip M. Perry is an award-winning business journalist whose byline has appeared over 3,000 times in the na- tion’s business press. Contact him at Corrugated Packaging Alliance Releases Corrugated Industry Data The Corrugated Packaging Alliance (CPA) has developed a PDF with the latest facts and data on the corrugated packaging industry. Information includes recycling rates of old corrugated containers (OCC), tons of containerboard recycled, the number of box shipments used in e-com- merce and much more. The new PDF can be found in Fibre Box Association’s digital asset management library. Members can access FBA marketing materials in one central location for easy downloading, printing and sharing. The Corrugated Packaging Alliance (CPA) is a corru- gated industry initiative, jointly sponsored by AICC – The Independent Packaging Association, American Forest & Paper Association (AF&PA), FBA and TAPPI. Visit for more information.
American manufacturers of split heads, patented roll- er-bearing yokes, gang-slot upgrades, custom rebuilds, and glue systems with electronically-geared speed mon- itoring. Visit our website for info, tips and techniques.
Haire Group is the premier provider of new machinery for the corrugated industry. As the exclusive US & Canadian agent for one of the largest machinery manufacturers in the world, Haire Group is able to pair clients with the best machinery solutions for the best value to meet their specif- ic needs. Haire Group delivers 24/7 professional, reliable service and support, maximizing quality and uptime. Haire Group has been the industry’s #1 pre-owned machinery bro- ker and plant equipment appraiser since 1976. HarperLove is the leading provider of specialty adhesives, performance additives, and wet-strength resins to corru- gated packaging manufacturers. With the largest and most experienced field service and technical support team posi- tioned throughout the U.S. and Latin America, HarperLove has a long-standing reputation for providing outstanding service and delivering demonstrable performance improve- ments. HarperLove’s renowned services include not only innovative product development and custom product for- mulation, but also machine and process assessments, ad- hesive formula adjustments, machine tuning, detailed ser- vice reporting, and more. HARPERLOVE
Kiwiplan - premier worldwide software provider of enter- prise-wide, fully automatic solutions specifically for the cor- rugating and packaging industries. Kiwiplan’s Total Solution delivers comprehensive, seamless real-time flow of infor- mation from sales order management to dynamic total plant scheduling and inventory control through shipping.
Manufacturer of Marotape®, Marotape®Plus, Marotape® FPT and MaroString™; hot melt coated tapes and strings used for reinforcement and easy-open features for packaging. Ma- rotech also manufactures dispensing and tape placement equipments to optimize the productivity of applying hot melt coated tapes.
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