6B — May 30 - June 12, 2014 — Owners, Developers & Managers — M id A tlantic
Real Estate Journal
S afety & S ecurity
Facility services fire crews across Maryland and Virginia’s Eastern Shore Gillis Gilkerson completes Eastern Shore Fire Training Center/Burn Building
elfa, VA — Gillis Gilkerson , one of the most stable and
trusted general contracting and construction manage- ment firms on Delmarva, an- nounced the completion of the 900 s/f Accomack County Fire Training Center and Burn Building located at 28598 Beacon Rd. in Melfa, VA. “We are excited to have been a part of a project that enhances the training capa- bilities of our local fire crews and emergency responders from across our Eastern Shore,” said Dwight Miller ,
Accomack County Fire Training Center and Burn Building
president, Gillis Gilkerson. “We enjoyed working with The Eastern Shore Regional Fire Training Center and helping them meet a need that serves to ensure safety to our local communities. This project was unique in that it required specific fea- tures for functionality and we are pleased to have the opportunity to add it to our custom build portfolio.” The two-story, cast in place concrete structure was built with fire proof panels and high temperature thermal liners to allow fire compa- nies to practice live burn assimilations. The structure tolerates temperatures up to 1,800 degrees for search and rescue, fire suppression and ventilation hose stream operation training. The cen- ter is made available to the twenty-one fire stations and 700 volunteer firefighters on the Eastern Shore of Mary- land and Virginia. “The state came in and told us we could no longer operate the existing burn building in the condition it was in,” said Charles Pruitt, Accomack County Battalion Chief. “We trusted in the abilities of the team fromGillis Gilkerson to build a new training center equipped with necessary up- dates to serve the needs of the local fire emergency crews across the Eastern Shore.” The building is equipped with five classrooms on the first floor and five on the second floor for instructional space. The burn area inside the building is sectioned off to ignite wood, hay and other flammable materials (cars) for trainees to experi- ence conditions with limited visibility, smoke and sounds associated with real life fire rescue scenarios. n
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