2024 Football Program

ATHLETES FAIR PLAY CODE  I will participate because I want to not just because my parents or coaches want me to.  I will play by the rules and spirit of the game.  I will control my temper.  I will respect my opponent.  I will do my best to be a team play- er.  I will remember winning isn’t every- thing.  I will acknowledge good plays by teammates or opponents.  I will remember officials and coach- es are there to help. COACHES FAIR PLAY CODE  I will be reasonable when schedul- ing games practices remembering young people have other interests.  I will teach my athletes to play fairly and respect the rules, officials and opponents.  I will ensure that all athletes get equal instruction, support and opportunities.  I will not ridicule my athletes for making mistakes.  I will remember that young people need a coach they can respect. FANS FAIR PLAY CODE  I will remember that young people play sports for THEIR enjoyment, not to entertain me.  I will not have unrealistic expectations.  I will respect the official’s decision.  I will encourage coaches and players to play by the rules.  I will show respect for my team’s opponent because without them there is no game.  I will be a FAN not a Fanatic  I will realize my ticket is a privilege to observe a contest and not as a license to verbally assault others.

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