Texas Baseball Ranch February 2018

covering everything from arm care and throwing program personalization to mindset, and even personal and spiritual integrity. If you think there is such a thing as a one-size-fits-all model, think again. Extended Stay Summer Program for Serious Athletes BRING THE HEAT

For the past 15 years, every summer we have helped over 1,200 baseball athletes

Our pitchers’ personalized plans are specific to each of them, and their goals are made possible through an assessment by the coaching staff, using video analysis and a movement screen. Even the length of your training can be customized to fit your unique training needs, lasting anywhere from 2–10 weeks. This program is not for everyone. If you are sensitive to intense summer heat or are not willing to give the game your all, this isn’t the place for you. We are looking to train pitchers who are ready to work hard every day. By rubbing elbows with other motivated young pitchers, our summer athletes get on track to meet their goals, whether that means starting on their varsity team, getting a scholarship to their top-choice college, or being drafted to play professional baseball. Interested in making a huge change this summer? Visit www.texasbaseballranch.com/tbr-summer-program/ or call (936) 588-6762 for more information. Space is limited!

improve their performance and make big gains through participation in our Extended Stay Summer Program. The world of collegiate and professional pitching is within reach; most pitchers simply need guidance to their own specific path, and that’s what we do at The Ranch. Do you need to focus on more specialized development? Are you behind your competitive peer group in velocity, in command, and in recovery? Are you dealing with injury or just returning from an injury? The Ranch is the perfect place to close these gaps. We divide each day into two parts — a morning skill- specific strength component and an afternoon throwing component. This program is an immersive experience, and we implement the most effective training concepts found anywhere. Some of the new additions this summer include Hydro training, PowerCore 360, V-Flex and sand work to go along with our oldies but goodies. We understand that pitching is not all mechanics. The Texas Baseball Ranch ® approaches training holistically,


What Works and What to Avoid

their products approved and on the shelf. Because of this, the buyer needs to be vigilant to avoid getting duped. Before you toss a supplement in your cart, be sure to read every ingredient, including the inactive ones. Alternatively, do some research before you shop to find trusted brands. RULE 3: DIFFERENT BODIES NEED DIFFERENT SUPPLEMENTS Many supplements are tailored to specific types of workouts. If, for instance, you are doing high-intensity workouts, you may want to consider adding some whey or creatine to your regimen. Your body metabolizes these compounds quickly during workouts, so keeping your levels high will enhance growth and speed up recovery. Except for basic multivitamins, there are no one-size-fits- all supplements. RULE 4: DON’T OVERLOOK NATURAL COMPOUNDS Natural supplements, like fish oil, bone broth protein, and probiotics, have loads of benefits for the body. As an added bonus, you rarely need to worry about side effects, provided you don’t take more than is recommended. Take a look at your supplements and ask yourself where synthetic compounds can be replaced with natural ones.

If you walk into your local nutritional supply store, it won’t take you long to realize there are way too many supplements on the market. Some contain basic essentials like vitamins and fish oils. Others advertise themselves with wild names like “MassiveMuscle” or “Core CRSHR,” and they contain a laundry list of chemicals. It would be hard for an expert to figure out the benefits of each supplement, let alone a regular person trying to boost their nutrient intake and get the most out of their workout. However, there are a few solid rules of thumb to follow if you don’t want to buy a jar full of placebos. RULE 1: YOU CAN’T GO WRONG WITH VITAMINS Vitamins and minerals are the catalysts for nearly every process in your body. Without a solid foundation of vitamins, higher-octane supplements won’t work as well. Unless you are the strictest eater around, you’re probably not getting all the nutrients you need from your diet. Look for natural or organic vitamins that contain a variety of useful compounds, like vitamin D, B vitamins, iron, and magnesium. RULE 2: READ THE INGREDIENTS (ALL OF ‘EM) According to Harvard Health, supplements are the “Wild West of American health.” Companies have to do very little to get



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