Spanish Spring 2023 Recreation Guide


Start your journey into an organized lifestyle with this one-hour introduction to the basic techniques of decluttering. Get tips on designing storage and maintenance systems for what is kept after decluttering. People can save time, money, and stress if they have appropriate amounts of the things they need and can find and put away their things in a way that makes sense to them. The benefits can be dramatic! People can become safer in their spaces. Age: 18+ years Instructor: Lauren Williams, CPO Tue, Apr 18 @ 6-7pm #7987 DECLUTTERING 101: THE BASICS OF ORGANIZATION

The first part of the Life Planning Series explores ways to stay in your home as your age. Points of interest include financial stability, home ownership plans, and healthcare. Speakers scheduled to participate include senior living planner, home care expert, wealth manager, and Medicare professional. Age: 50+ years Instructor: Professional Panel Thurs 12:30-1:30 pm Apr 20 #7912 Fee: FREE Location: BCC Manhattan Room AGING IN YOUR HOME LIFE PLANNING SERIES

Fri, Apr 21 @ 10-11am #7988 Tue, May 16 @ 6-7pm #7997 Thu, May 18 @ 10-11am #7998 Tue, Jun 13 @ 6-7pm #7999 Thu, Jun 15 @ 10-11am #8000 Fee: $30 / RD $27

Location: BCC Eagle Landing Room


La aromaterapia es una ciencia antigua que se remonta a siglos atrás, cuando se descubrió que el poder de los aceites vegetales era curativo y restaurador. Los aceites esenciales tienen componentes químicos valiosos que son equilibrantes y terapéuticos cuando se usan correctamente. En esta clase práctica completa, aprenda sobre los aceites portadores y cómo combinarlos con un aceite esencial; cómo oler un aceite esencial y descubre los conceptos básicos de la aromaterapia para tu uso personal. Jugando con 15-20 aceites, formularemos dos mezclas para llevar a casa y disfrutar de un regalo sorpresa y recetas para probar por su cuenta. Cuota de suministros de $40 pagada al instructor. La instructora Alcyone Nettels es una aromaterapeuta clínica maestra certificada con más de 10 años de experiencia. Su interés comenzó hace 30 años con un trabajo especializado en herbología que incluía formulaciones medicinales y cataplasmas curativos junto con tés de hierbas medicinales. Esto evolucionó hacia un nivel más profundo de estudio de los aceites vegetales y su capacidad restauradora para todos. De 16 años en adelante Instructora: Alcyone Nettels Martes 5:00-7:00 pm Del 25 de Abril código 7864 Del 30 de Mayo código 7865 Del 27 de Junio código 7866 Costo: $21 / RD $18 BCC Salón Lakeview INTRODUCCIÓN A LA AROMATERAPIA

The second part of the Life Planning Series is Moving to Senior Living. Points of interest include reasons for moving, what to look for, and planning the move. Speakers scheduled to participate include estate planner, realtor, mortgage professional, de-cluttering specialist, and funeral services specialist. Age: 50+ years Instructor: Professional Panel Thurs 12:30-1:30 pm May 18 #7913 Fee: FREE Location: BCC Manhattan Room The third part of the Life Planning Series is "Planning for the End." It is a gift to be able to leave your loved ones free of the painful choices they must make while grieving. Topics covering when and how to plan a funeral, what kinds of cemetery placements are available, how to discuss with my family, and what do I need to do to protect my family when I die. Speakers scheduled to participate include estate planner, funeral and cemetery professional, and elder law specialist. Age: 50+ years Instructor: Professional Panel Thurs 12:30-1:30 pm Jun 15 #7911 Fee: FREE Location: BCC Manhattan Room END-OF-LIFE PLANNING



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