
Happenings | The Lobby 

Looking Forward Reading 'Riggers

By Gerry DeBenedetti ➳ For those who like to read ahead, here is our schedule for the remainder of the year. It appears we are never going to run out of books about Hawai‘i, or authors from Hawai‘i, which is excellent news. Though we usually try to mix up mystery, history, cultural aspects and Hawai‘i authors on any subject, it is a coincidence that we have two months of music—albeit very different kinds—and both true stories, but the timing enabled us to have the authors present to provide the insight and inspiration behind these books.

JUNE 7 “Deep Water” by Katherine Nichols

AUG. 2 “The Beatles: all Too Much: The Untold Story of a Hollywood Actor’s Two Months with the Beatles in India” by Judd Klinger Honolulu resident and OCC member Judd Klinger will present the true story behind the Beatle’s fabled spiri—al retreat to an ashram in India in 1968. Judd is a screen- writer and journalist, specializing in music, film, and popular cul—re. His many ar cles and interviews have appeared in a wide varie£ of na onal magazines and newspapers. SEPT. 6 We have re red Navy o¤cer and author Clay Hutchin- son sharing his sailing adven—re in “Somewhere South: Sailing Through Polynesia 1977.” Copies in HSPLS.

OCC member Katherine Nichols will present the true crime story about high-school watermen who start swimming maruana across the U.S.-Mexico border in the early 1970s. With their former Spanish teacher’s help, they scale the smuggling opera on with boats, genera ng $100 million over the next 10 years—with the new DEA in pursuit. Kath- erine is a long me athlete and journalist. Copies are in the Hawaii State Public Library System (HSPLS). JULY 5 “Sing, Memory: The Remarkable Story of the Man Who Saved the Music of the Nazi Camps” by Makana Eyre We have author and journalist Makana Eyre, coming to us from Paris. He was born and educated here and has moved to Europe for his professional career. He re—rns to Hawai‘i every year to visit and will be presen ng a most unusual tle. This true story is about saving the Jewish musical her- itage of WWII. Eyre’s first book of nonfic on “Sing, Memory” was praised by many publica ons and journals both in the U.S. and in Europe. It’s currently being translated into several languages. There are only a few copies in the HSPLS, so use your library card and put it on reserve.

OCT. 4 TBA. Sugges ons are welcome.

NOV. 1 Jane Goodsill will present “Voices of Hawaii Vol III.”

DEC. 6 OCC member Paul Theroux will present “Burma Sahib.” Reading ‘Riggers starts promptly at 10 a.m.

MAY / JUNE 2024 | AMA 13

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