King's Business - 1928-12

December 1928

T h e : K i n g ' s

B u s i n e s s



Keystone ViewCo.‘


th is is the bethlehem of C hristmas , 1928

have shined unto Us. If he had not sat down in ashes, wè had never come to the knowledge o f his spiritual riches. The same can no doubt be said of our missionary friends whose hearts are now lonely •for a little time..., The natives have seen a new light. Would our friends have seen such a light in our lives had we been similarly tried? .. Riflers of th e Soul "That which was committed unto; thee keep by the Holy Ghost which dwelleth in us” (2 Tim. 1 :14). T HE Holy Spirit'is the “Spirit of truth” (Jn. 16:13),. He is appointed of Christ to receive of the things of Him and show them unto uS (Jn. 16:14). It is not strange,, therefore, that we read that it is through the aid of the Spirit that the truth is to be re­ tained. He alone can effectually guard it from robbers who would rifle the soul of its hallowed possessions. The best safeguard against the darts of doubt is to invoke the aid of the Holy Spirit in retaining the truth of God. Let Him apply the Word to the heart, thus daily renewing the inner man. Let Him read'the Bible to you. Yield all to Him and Christ will become so real to the soul that no power of earth or hell can take Him away. The proportion of your self-giving to the Holy Spirit will be the measure of your discovery of the wondrous things in the Word, and of your ability to retain its pre­ cious truths.

Making God’s Word “o f None Effect” T HE tragedy and pathos of what is happening in the church today is illustrated by the following incident. One of'our friends, whose fdlowship wè'hàW eitjbybd for many years, has recently felt in conscience bound to warn the religious, reading public against us and'qur Institute -because he beliéves we are untrue to the Wdrd of God. As seventy-five percent of. his readers have, no means of knowing \yhat. we have /lyritten or what we really teach, We askòd hÌmJf hié 'Wóùid nót he wifling to publish' a brief statement from’ us ipdicatihg the tinès-we followed in answering, thè charges he has brought against us and scattered throughout the world. He refuses to do this and gives as his reason, among other things, that some of our statements are unscriptural. As an illustration of this he quotes our statement to the effect that our Lord was made like unto His brethren in all things, sin apart. He says, "There is no such Scripture. We are told He was ‘like unto his brethren’ (Heb. 2:17) but not in all things. Doubtless you confuse with this the other passage in Hebrews that tells us that our Lord was tempted in all points like as we are, sin apart.” Hebrews 2 :17 reads as follows : “Wherefore it be­ hooved him in all things to be made like unto his brethren.” The reading of this part of this verse indicates that our friend made Several mistakes. First, he took a statement concerning our Lord from our letter and used it as though it had been given as a quotation from Scrip­ ture. The fact is we used no quotation marks but simply made the statement concerning our Lord, believing it to be

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