King's Business - 1928-12


T h e

K i n g ' s

B u s i n e s s

December 1928

doubtful buying and giving of trinkets, most of which are more ornamental than useful. The Christmas Christ is the world’s Saviour. At this blessed Christ­ mas season, dedicate yourselves anew to the making known a world Saviour. We are told that in the city of Madrasi India, there is a chapel on the wall of which there is the upper portion of a cross. On one transverse end of the cross there is a pierced hand, the skin of which is brown, after the color of the skin of the people of the East. On the other side of this section is another pierced hand, white, after the color of the skin of the people of the West. It is a glorious sym­ bol of a world Christ. The inscription on His cross were in the languages of the world. Let us, fellow Christian workers, at this Christmas i time, consecrate«, our­ selves. anew to the whole world. He is the only peace-bringer for men and na­ tions. It was difficult for the people of Judaea, the shepherds and the wise men, to realize on that holy night that those baby lips would speak Godlike Words to all man­ kind; that those little hands would wield the scepter of righteousness over the kingdom of a universe. They could not know that the manger held the King of kings and Lord of lords. But millions have been finding out these mighty truths every century since that sacred hour. “A Baby was born in Bethlehem many years ago. His parents were poor and he had no unusual advantages. He raised no army, He conquered no kingdom, He owned no real estate, and He had no bank account. Neither did He write books or paint pictures or compose music. He was mocked at by the great and died a criminal death. Yet this Man has revo­ lutionized the civilized world. Multitudes have lived and died triumphantly by the power of faith in Him and obedience to the doctrines He inculcated, and He has more followers in the world today than ever before. His maxims are acknowl­ edged, even by those who reject His au­ thority, to be the noblest and purest that ever have been uttered, and no man has been able to pick a flaw in His character. What will you do with Jesus who is called Christ ?”—Phillips Brooks. Christ is the great joy-bringer. Isaiah foretold that in His government and do­ minion and victories as Immanuel, He would wonderfully increase men’s joy, and the total amount of joy in the world. That is one of the truths that may well be given emphasis at this Christmas season. Rev. C. A. Parker, a missionary in India, says: “A few years ago, throughout this district, a Christian song could not be heard unless sung hy a Christian worker, or some little children here and there, who had been taught. Today, all along the roads the people are singing praises to God, and the old obscene songs are given up. The men are singing at the well; the women singing at the mill; the farmers singing in the fields. A few years ago you seldom heard people pray­ ing. Today from thousands of hearts is going up the prayer: ‘O Jesus Christ, have favor on me; remember me and save me from sin.’ A few years ago, ex­ cept in the homes of the workers, there were no family prayers. Today the fam­ ily altar is being established all over the field. Today our common greeting is : ‘Are you happy ?’ And the answer is : ‘All happy inside; Jesus is inside my heart.’



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