King's Business - 1928-12


T h e K i n g ’ s B u s i n e s s

Decenibèr 1928

Bible-reading which we have dropped to almost as great an extent as our Anglo- Catholic brethren,- and that without put­ ting any other religious observances in their place. How few of us witness in these days, even to our own households,' by having family prayers ! How greatly our neglect of Bible study has contributed to the' weakening of our faith, not only as Protestants, which is a comparatively small matter, but as Christians !” While we may hot all agree on some minor matters with ' the author, the book is moSt Scholarly afid will .be' found most enlightening to many, especially to those within the ranks of which the. author is a member. Published by Marshall Bros., Ltd.,. London.. Price $1.25, English.3s.6d. —A. S. R. .'.*4 ' I ; This .njost inspiring ,devotional, booklet of thirty-six ..P^èa; by G. F. ;Vallance, well-known publisher, ¡of; Christian lit­ erature, in England,:sgjts- forth in ,a .most cJ^rlandACpitci^scm^m^f '.!fó;.sRÌritjiàl les­ sons to be gleaned from this little, book of the Old Testament. The author sees more ' than an ordinary love story in connection with the,¿life of Ruth, who becomes the connecting link Of the Gentile race in the genealogy of our Saviour. It contains a message for both saved and unsaved. Published by the author at Goodmayes, Essex, England.—A. S. P. ■ 6—- The Parables of Jesus. . By P rofessor È lbèrt R ussell . ; This small hook comes from the presses pf; the Winston1■Company' ' (price $1.00) and is from the ,pcn of Professor Rtis- seil of Duke University, department of religion. Dr. Russell xays at the outset that “there is always a possibility that in transmitting the teachings of Jesus] they [the early followers-of Jesus] may-have unconsciously emphasized the apocalyptic element and given His words a literal em­ phasis which was not in Jesus’ mind.’v; He looks to the parables as giving us His teachings “in a form of His own creat­ ing, which is not likely to be given an apocalyptic turn in transmission.” He says much that is practical as to the sensible way of interpreting our Lord’s parables, and in treating the principal parables brings Out many helpful points.' He does not, however* believe that there is a fixed language o f symbols in the Bible. For example, he thinks leaven may mean evil in one place and good in another, be­ cause the devil in one place is spoken of as a lion and the term is also applied to Jesus (1 Pet. 5:8; Rev. 5:5). This would seem to be' a 7poor illustration for his point, however, for the “lion” in both cases stands for the same idea. Conquer­ ing strength is the point in each case and believers may be comforted in the fact that in the'¿conflict which they have to wage with the lion, Satan, they have with them a Lion who is stronger than their adversary. Jesus, he declares, explains the symbol­ ism of two parables and uses some of the same symbols with different meanings. Thus the way is left open for a free and easy interpretation of the parables. To be sure, when our Lord Himself in­ terprets His symbols, we should seek no further key. But did Jesus use symbols i The Book of Ruth i? By1G. F. V allance

Ruth Paxson’s T R U T H R E V E A L IN G

The Only Up-to-Date Harmony of The Life of St. Paul by Rev. F ra n k J. Goodw in, D.D. A g reat classic on the life an d w orks of Paul, of incalculable value to th e stu d en t or C hristian w orker. A n indispensable m anual adm irably suited to accom pany th e Sunday School Lessons for the balance of 1928. T his harm ony of P au l’s life is of im ­ m ense value. T here is no single c h arac te r in th e New T estam en t (excepting Jesu s C h rist) th a t s ta n d s . o u t w ith th e sam e boldness an d picturesqueness as does th a t of Paul, th e fam ous apostle. Send a t once $1.50 for y o u r copy of the B iblical com m entary to com plete your know ledge of Paul;., to American Tract Society 7 W est 4 5 th S tre e t New Y ork C ity

“Life on the Highest Plane” . in three volumes Vol. I.— C hrist Jesus. Vol. II.— T he Believer in C hrist. Vol. III.-—T h e H oly S pirit. Dr. R. A. TORREY SAID: “A rem arkable book— one of the m o st satisfy in g I -have . ever read. It. deals p re tty m uch w ith all the g reat fundam entals of the C hristiaii faith : -—the absolute a u th o rity of th e Bible; th e h u m an ity an d deity of Jesu s C hrist, H is In­ carnation, th e V irgin B irth, A toning D eath, R esurrection an d A scension; Sin; th e F o r­ giveness of Sin; an d others . . . all in a .S crip tu ral way, a thoro u g h w ay, an d rings tru e every tim e.” TH R EE VOLS. EACH $2.50; TH E SET $7.50 ' : . .:in a box -A t All B ookstores Fleming H. Revell Company New Y ork 158 F ifth Ave., C hicago 851 C ass St.

‘kD o th e Un ited S tates Appear in Prophecy?” A S crip tu re-b ased answ er in the affirm ative by th e C anadian A nglican scholar, Canpii F. E. H ow itt, will .appear in an early issue of th e devotional, V ictorious Life M agazine fo r young an d old, "C h rist Life an d the, W ord of th e C ross” A n ideal C hristm as present. Ope dollar a y ear ($1.20 foreign) Howar.d A. B anks, E d ito r; fairies H. McConkey, C ontributing E ditor O rder from : UNION GOSPEL PRESS, BOX 6$0 K CLEVELAND, OHIO I _ J a w e e k AND BE YOUR OWN BOSS Sell This Amazing All-Weather Coat FOR O N L Y $3.22

This guaranteed, h ig h -q u ality A ll-W eather R aincoat offers you an unparalleled o p p o rtu n ity to nlake from $60 to $100 a week quickly and easily ! In sp are tim e o r full tim e! It offers you a chance to be y o u r own boss— to own and co n tro l a perm anent, big -p ro fit business! Do you w an t it? My A ll-W eather C oat selling a t $3.98 is well tailored of high- q u ality rubberized fabric. In popular sty le an d strik in g colors. A serviceable, becom ing C oat, w ind-proof, dust-proof, ra in ­ proof, th a t you’d expect to sell for tw ice its price. W h at does th a t m ean to you? It m eans th a t every m an, w om an an d child in y o u r locality is a red -h o t p ro sp ect fo r you a s th e C om er rep re­ sen tativ e— for th e am azingly low p rice is w ithin th e reach of everyone! NO EXPERIENCE OR CASH NEEDED says $500 a month is easy! You can make big. money like this, too! SEND NO MONEY

You won’t need cash, special ability or experience to make big money, I tell you where to go, what to do and say. No heavy sample case to lug around— you wear your sample right on your back! All you do is to take orders—I io everything else! Everyone buys—motor­ ists, farmers, house-wives, office and factory workers, storekeepers, etc.! $605 IN 30 DAYS 1 never sell through stores—only through rep­ resentatives. This slicker is only one of sixty- five fast-selling clothing products—topcoats. overcoats,suitsetc. - t —- ■—...... ........................

I supply you with everything needed to make $25 to* $50 a week in spare time— $60 to $100 in full tim.e absolutely FREE! Also a sample coat- for demonstration! If you want to make really big money—if $60 to $100 a week appeals to you—send for details of this amazing money-making proposition. No cost or obligation! Write me today—don’t delay—do it right NOW! C. E. Comer, Pres., The Comer Mfg. Co. Dept. 1076-E, Dayton, Ohio.

A M. Stone, who formerly earned $100 a m onth, m a d e $605 in thirty days sell­ ing Comer Coats. R. A. P ren tiss earned $945 in a month with this proposition—a n d W. S., C o o p e r

C. E. Comer, President, THE COMER MFG. CO., Dept. 1076-E, Dayton, Ohio Please send selling outfit on your special money-making prop­ osition without cost or obligation to me. Also tell me how I may obtain a Raincoat and your complete selling outfit for demonstrating, absolutely FREE. Name........................................................... ................................. .. : Address.................8mW|U

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