King's Business - 1928-12

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The Christian Workers’ Manual B y H . S . M ille r This book will create and stimulate in­ terest in Christian work, furnish the worker with the material needed to equip him for successful service, and supply an abundance of sermon and Bible reading material. Essential Bible doctrines are defined, simplified and explained, excuses and ob­ jections answered. A complete handbook for pastors, evangelists -and Christian workers.:}/:' $1.50 The Rising Tide B y E liz a b e th K n a u ss A novel dealing with the spread of Bolshevism, Atheism and kindred evils throughout America, tracing each to its real, source—Commu-nism. It is a real romance and at the same time a challeng­ ing treatise on Christian Americanism. The- character' studies are "fascinating and educational; the descriptive scenes vivid and entertaining; the aroma of the nar­ rative refreshing and purifying; and the progress of the Story sustained to the end. $1 75 The G reate r Life and Work of Christ B y A le x a n d e r P a tte r s o n It is rich in’ thought, and is not lim­ ited to the earthly life of the Lord, but gives a full-orbed picture of the Eternal Christ. In it the Lord is seen in the Past, in Creation, in the Old Testament Age, in His Earthly Life, in His Present State and Work, in the Day of Christ, and in the Eternal Future. $1.25 Barbed Arrows C. H . S p u r g e o n Illustrations, anecdotes, similes, etc., collated from the discourses of London’s great preacher. Very useful for preach­ ers and Christian workers. $1.00 Gleanings Among th e Sheaves B y C. H . S p u rg e o n Over 100 choice short essays on vital subjects are here gathered as discussed by the greát preacher. They are rich in thought and sermon material. 75c Spurgeon’s Gems C. H . S p u rg e o n Brilliant passages from the discourses of a series of earnest thoughts and graphic pictures, all of them revealing the true magnitude of the preacher’s concep­ tions, his.individuality and strength. $1.00 The Lord’s P raye r B y A d o lp h S a p h ir A close, analytical study of the prayer the Lord taught His disciples, interpreted in the light of the’ Epistles ánd of the whole Bible. $1.25 The Sinner and th e Saviour B y A d o lp h S a p h ir A unique book describing and drawing useful lessons from the records of con­ versions in the Acts. D. L. Moody, who had read it with, delight, said: “I know of no book on the subject like it.” $1.00 The C ra ft o f Soul Winning B y C ora M . T u r n b u ll A practical course of studies in meth­ ods of Christian service, especially in winning individuals to faith in the Mas­ ter. The book contains numerous object lessons and illustrations.and. instructs in house-to-house visitation, conducting meetings, open-air work, etc. $2.00

<&m Ci)ristma£ By MARY HITCHCOCK Author o f “ The First Soprano’*

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HPHOSE acquainted w ith the literary gifts of the author w ill welcome a new story from her pen. T he opening scene is that o f a fam ily, in a snow -ladened northern city, gathered around the home fires on C h rist­ mas E ve. T he artless questions of the younger children provoke serious thought on the p art of the father and older brother, who is a college student, and this thought leads to decisions which are far-reaching in their effects. Do not miss reading the story. G et a copy for yourself. Send copies to your young friends. Sunday School teachers —send a copy to each m em ber o f your class. Gift edition , beautifully bound in art cloth, 50c each. The Wonders of Prophecy B y J o h n U rq u h a rt The future has been read, centuries have yielded up their sqcrets, ’predictions so numer­ ous and varied and minute as to preclude all possibility of chance—these are some of the dis­ closures of this Wonder Book. Two-color jacket, $1.50 Christ Our Coming King B y Ir a E . D a v id , P h .D . . Introduction by David J. Fant. A Series of Plain Addresses on the Return of Our Lord Jesus Christ, Especially intended for those who are beginning a study of this sub­ ject. The author leads the reader to such defi­ nite conclusions as holiness of life, intensity of purpose,and prevailing prayer. $1.00 Christ and th e Four Gospels B y J o h n H . C able, B .A . These studies are based on a Harmony of the Gospels, and present a complete record of the history and teachings of Jesus. They are the result of practical classroom experience, and are suitable both for group study and individual use. Fundamentally true to the Word of God, every chapter will prove to be not only instruc­ tive, but deeply spiritual. $2.50 Outline Studies in Christian Doctrine B y G eo rg e P . P a rd in g to n A scholarly yet simple treatment in outline form of the whole range of Christian doctrine, written to appeal to the ordinary reader and yet be appreciated by the finest scholar. $1.75 O . J . S M I T H B O O K S When Antichrist Reigns • Clear, concise and conclusive facts con­ cerning the relation of the Jewish nation to Palestine; the condition of Italy under the rule of Mussolini and its relation to prophecy; conditions in Russia and the Russian revolt against Jesus Christ; the Atheistic propaganda in America. Cloth, $1.00; paper, 50c Is the Antichrist a t H and? Contains evidence of a most startling nature from the world of .demonology, astrology, politics and religion, regarding the Endtime of the age which is vividly portrayed. It is clear and forceful, speak­ ing' in no uncertain terms. The style adopted is conversational. Cloth, $1.00; paper, 50c

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