Region 10 Program of Studies

Alumni Voices

“Learning about the Adobe software in Ms. Palmer’s class was amazing. She introduced us to so many different types of software and ways that they can be used for a career. With all the different options it was hard to pick a favorite, but eventually I fell in love with the idea of logo design. I started working on logos outside of school, perfecting my craft, and for the frst time ever I was enjoying learning and was motivated. I ended up fnding my frst client super quick. I was commissioned to make a logo for his landscaping company and as soon as I got that frst job I knew I found what I wanted to do.” --Justin Dennison SMCC When I began in Ms. Palmer’s class as a senior, I had no digital art experience. But through her teaching I was able to gain experience and create an amazing portfolio that helped me get into my dream school, Florida Southern University. I can say that now that I am in college receiving my BFA in Graphic Design, I have been able to excel among my classmates due to my prior experience with the Adobe software. --Sidney Silva Florida Southern University This class taught me to see the principles and elements of design in every project. It also gave me a new appreciation for art and history museums. I also had the opportunity to do game development during studio time, something I’ve personally wanted to do for a long time. I am now pursuing a career in this feld at Thomas College. --Stephanie Johnson Thomas College

Sydney Silva ‘22 was elected student Vice President of Communications at Florida Southern Univeristy

" An inviting and inclusive learning environment which allows students to learn no matter what their life path” -Sydney Silva

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