INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY & CYBERSECURITY Welcome to the exciting world of cybersecurity and information technology, where we explore the digital landscape, defend against cyber threats, and master the tools of the digital age.
First Year In the frst year of the Information and Computer Technology program, students will delve into various aspects of computer technology and software applications, engaging with hardware, software, operating systems, servers, mobile app development, and networking through both theoretical study and hands-on, real-world projects. Additionally, students will receive an introduction to database structure and design, as well as fundamentals of data security utilizing JavaScript and SQL. Second Year In the second year, the focus shifts to Cybersecurity, where students deepen their understanding of data security while building upon networking and database design concepts introduced in the previous year. Students will develop a comprehensive Technology-Based Portfolio, showcasing their skills and knowledge, which can be utilized for academic pursuits and career advancement. Furthermore, students will have the opportunity to pursue COMP- TIA certifcations, highly sought after in the feld of cybersecurity.
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