King's Business - 1922-11

T HE K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


that he might be ransomed from sin and death and woe. Ere he left that hum­ ble barn he was able to take up the words of the poet and say: "By nature and by practice far— How very far from God! Yet now by grace brought nigh to Him Through faith in Jesus’ Blood.” When referring to his conversion, he said: “ Strange that I who had so long sat under the means of grace in England should be brought right unto God in an obscure part of Ireland, ’midst a hand­ ful of people met together in a barn, and by the ministry of one who could scarcely spell his own name. Surely it was the Lord’s doing, and is marvel­ lous.” At the age of twenty-two Toplady en­ tered the ministry of the Church of England. He was the author of several popular hymns, and died in the year 1788. If Toplady had done nothing but write “ Rock of Ages” his life would have been a fruitful one. It is said that Toplady was overtaken by a severe thunderstorm, and took shelter in the cleft of a rock at Bur- rington Combe, Devonshire, in the south­ west of England. Soon after this he wrote the hymn. The rock, as on front, since then, has been called “ Rock of Ages.” Dr. Julian says: “No other hymn can be named which has laid so broad and firm a grasp on the English-speaking world.” Better than all, the hymn has been owned of God in the conversion of many souls. FIRST TURN TO THE RIGHT Bishop Wilberforce was once asked whether he knew the way to heaven. “Oh, yes,” replied the witty prelate, “I have known it from a child; take the first turn to the right, then keep straight on. A better answer has never been given.

Master, and to rest on His faithfulness. Burdens are lifted, dark paths are illu­ minated, great things are attempted and accomplished through faith in that won­ derful name. Whatever the task is that lies ahead of you today, and however conscious you are of your inability to perform it, look up into His face who calls and say, “Nevertheless at thy word I will obey.” Oh, to venture more on Him and prove His faithfulness and power. “ Trust and obey, for there is no other way, To be happy in Jesus but to trust and obey.” gustus Montague Toplady’s hymn stood at the top. Out of 3,500 lists received, 3,215 were given for “ Rock of Ages.” When Prince Albert, the Consort of Queen Victoria, was dying he repeated it frequently. “ For,” said he, “ if in this hour I had only my worldly honours and dignities to depend upon I should be poor indeed.” In the year 1756, when Toplady was a lad of 16 or 17, whilst on a visit to Ireland, he attended a Gospel meeting which was held in a barn at the village of Codymiain. Though brought up un­ der Christian influences and well edu­ cated, the youth was utterly ignorant of God’s way of salvation. The meet­ ing was addressed by a simple, earnest, Illiterate Christian, who took for his text Ephesians 2:13, “ Ye who some­ times were afar off are made nigh by the Blood of Christ.” Toplady was amazed by what he heard of God’s pro­ vision for his deep need. He learned that God loved him, so loving him as to give His beloved Son who made peace by the Blood of His Cross,, and died A GRAND ODD HYMN HEN a well-known religious magazine asked its readers to send in lists of the hundred hymns they liked best, Au­

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