King's Business - 1922-11

- Christmas is Coming - “Best” Books Christian Life “ In Christ Jesus”— The Sphere of the Believer’s Life By Dr. A. T. Pierson This »book contains a series of “ Key Note** Studies in the Pauline Epistles, the phrase “ In Christ** being the central theme of each study. The author in his introduction says, “We see the vital importance of the phrase ‘In Christ* in the fact that these words unlock and interpret every separate book in the New Testament. Here is God’ s own key whereby we may open all the various doors and enter all the glorious rooms in this palace beautiful, and explore all the apartments in the house of the heavenly Interpreter from Matthew to the Apoca­ lypse.** If you like good Biblical interpretations that are filled with real soul food, buy this book. Cloth, $1.00 Deeper Experiences of Famous Christians By J. Gilchrist Lawson Days of Heaven Upon Earth Rev. A. B. Simpson

This volume is used far and wide as a family devotional book. It contains a page for each day, and comprises some choice selections from Mr. Simp­ son’s writings. Cloth, $1.50

Contains the experiences of Madam Guyon, Fenelon, Fox, Wesley, White- field, Bunyan, Moody, and _other fa­ mous Christians. Cloth, $1.50; Paper, 75c

Living in the Sunshine By Hannah Whitall Smith

Another helpful devotional book of that joy and love that should fill every Christian's heart. The writer is gifted in unfolding the Scripture and in apply­ ing its precious truths. Her great purpose here is to help Christians to a realiza­ tion of the joy of liVing a Christian life. We commend this book most warmly. Cloth, $1.25 The Confidence o f Faith By J. Stuart Holden How to Succeed in the Christian Life

A choice volume of devotional studies, the general trend and theme of which is the necessity that has arisen in these later days, for a steady, deeply-rooted confidence in things that are eternal. The troublous days through which the world is now passing has brought per­ plexity to many loving hearts. To such, Mr. Holden’s book breathes a message of enheartenment. Cloth, $1.00

By Dr. R. A. Torrey The best book we know to put into the hands of the young convert, and even in the hands of more mature Christians. It tells the young convert just what he needs to know. It will also be helpful to many who have long been Christians, but have not made that headway in the Christian life that they desire. Cloth, 75c

I f m o n e y d o e s n o t a c c o m p a n y o r d e r g o o d s w il l b e s e n t C . 0 . D ., u n le s s o t h e r w is e s p e c ifie d . I f b o o k s a r e t o c o m e b y m a il a d d 1 0 % f o r p o s ta g e . BIOLA BOOK ROOM, Bible Institute, Los Angeles


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