King's Business - 1922-11


T HE K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

tation of taking a position as salesman in the business with which he is so familiar in South America, believing that this will give him an unusual op­ portunity for evangelistic work from the layman’s standpoint among the peo­ ple who need so much to know the M

truth. We covet the prayers .of God’s people in his behalf in this new enter­ prise. We expect that Mr: Claude H. Pearson who resigned the work about a year ago will be led of the Lord to again take charge of it.

SPANISH WORK R o b e r t H . B e n d e r, S u p t . — G o s p e l M e e t in g s a n d H o u s e t o H o u s e W o r k a m o n g 5 0 ,0 0 0 M e x ic a n s in L o s A n g e le s a n d V ic in it y .

her son, comes forth in Judgment, she (the Virgin) stands between the sinner and the Judge and says, “ Son of mine, these are my devotees. They have wor­ shiped me and looked to me for their refuge a'nd now I plead with thee, my son, to spare them, and since a son can­ not refuse the plea of his mother, he must save them from his wrath.” Now this is their stronghold and this is what they are taught to believe. Do you won­ der that they are so strong in their- devotion to the Virgin Mary? But what saith the Scripture? “Neither is there salvation in any other, for there is none other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved.” Can we as Protestants be still in the face of the Scripture and let them perish, just because they are devout and sincere in their false belief? God help us to be up and doing and warn them of ihe error of their way. A young man whom we met in one of the Camps on Sunday morning was constantly reading his book on the mass. He seemed devout and sincere so we opened the Scriptures and showed him how Christ had suffered once for all to put away sin and since that was an ac­ complished fact, there was no need for such a thing as mass, which means the sacrifice of Christ, day after day. We sought to make it plain and simple that Christ had paid it all and all he had to do was to accept the finished work. Once he said, “When I left home my father begged me to read this book every Sunday and not to forget the

“ This people draweth nigh unto me with their mouth and honoreth me with th e;r lips, hut their heart is far from me; hut in vain do they worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.’* (Matt. 15:8, 9.)

HIS Scripture can be rightly ap­ plied to the Roman Catholic Church. So much of their worship consists of rites and

ceremonies that mean little and are not from the heart, though many of their fundamentals are similar to the Chris­ tian faith. But It is all of the letter and we know that the Scripture saith that “ the letter killeth, but the Spirit quickeneth.” During the past month of seed-sowing we have met several who were very zealous for their reli­ gion. To many, the idea of religion is everything and no matter what sin or sins they may commit, they think that faith in their religion may bring them safely through. The trouble with them is that they do not realize the sinfulness of sin, because they know not the Scrip­ tures, for by the law is the knowledge of sin; but since they are forbidden to read the Scriptures, they cannot know the law. Devotion to “ Virgin Mary” At one of the Camps one of the women said, “ You do not-believe in the Virgin Mary.” As I started to read and explain the Scripture, she rushed into her house saying, “ But you never make mention of the Virgin in your preach­ ing.” At another Camp a woman said to me, “ I will explain how we are saved by the Virgin. We know we are all hell-doomed sinners, but when Jesus,

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