King's Business - 1922-11

T HE K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


ISJicKolson’s Work in com ing to us he made no stipulation as to remuneration, fully content to ac­ cept the free-will gifts of the people of God. “ It is too early to form any idea o f the lasting results of the Mission. This we áre glad to say— in all our congregations the stirring o f the spirit has been felt, in some it has been as the gentle ripple of the incom ing tide, in others the flood is making its presence felt in a more pow er­ ful manner, but we are full of hope that the tide of t h e ‘ Spirit w ill fill all our churches with . its fullness. W e know personally of scores of lives that have been changed; o f homes where the fam ily altar has been raised from the ruins of disuse or reared for the first time, and of hearths bright with the m inistry of human love touched into life by the love Divine. We are confident that, as in other places where Mr. Nicholson has laboured, the after results upon tne life o f our churches w ill be profound. “ The Mission has been the Mission of the Churches; we believe the w ork w ill be best conserved by those who have experi­ enced the gra ce o f God giving themselves definitely and wholeheartedly to the work of the particular Church with which they have been identified; the strength of any one Church will strengthen us all; ‘We are members one o f another.’ ” IF I COULD SEE If I could see my Savior, Lord, In those I meet to-day, Poor weary souls with burdens great, And fallen by the way, How quickly would I give them help, And share the heavy load, Instead of passing »by to let Them suffer by the road. If ’mid the noonday drought and heat, I’d only stop to think That Christ Himself in other hearts Is asking for a drink, How gladly would I give my cup, And let them drain it first, So anxious would I be to give A healing for His thirst. —Kathryn Finchey, 1916.

Evangelist W. P. most enthusiastic reports itinue to come to us regard- ; the work of Evangelist W. Nicholson in Ireland, where

he has been holding services for the past two years. The following appeared in “ The Dromore Leader,” a local news­ paper: The United clergy of Lisburn, during the mission, issued the follow ing remarkable tribute to the w ork of Rev. W. P. N ichol­ son in the town:— “We gladly embrace the opportunity offered to us to declare as w idely as pos­ sible how thankful We are to Go'd for the United Mission which is ju st closing. “ The fine spirit of unity exhibited dur­ ing the months of prayerful preparation and the cordial co-operation of the mem­ bers of all our churches during the prog­ ress of the Mission have been, most gratify­ ing to us all. “ The immense attendances present at all the services, both afternooil and evening, week-days and Sabbaths: the reverent at­ tention and eagerMesir-e to hear the Gospel of God’s redeem ing love have gladdened and encouraged us. “ In the' Rev. W. P. Nichois.on we have had a most able and efficient Evangelist. A man of extraordinary gifts, strong and attractive personality, with a wonderful experience^ and a wide know ledge of life and men, A man whose mind is filled with thé thoughts and words of the Bible and whose heart yielded to the H oly Spirit, is aflame with the Divine ' passion for the s o u j?: of his fellows. The originality of the Missioner, his graphic and vivid pres­ entation of truth, have aroused criticism hostile and friendly, but criticism has s,erved the Divine purpose and been the means of furthering thè Gospel, whilst the throngs who have waited upon the m inis­ try of the W ord and thé numbers who 'n ig h t,b y night have crowded the enquiry rooms, prove that the power of God has been with His servant and are the best ■ justification of his methods. “Whilst in our midst, Mr. Nicholson has been in labours more abundant, giving himself without stint to the w ork of the Mission. To him w e are most grateful, and thank God for sending him amongst us. W-e earnestly pray that more and more he may be the honoured instrument in the salvation df multitudes. We feel it is only fair to Mr. Nicholson to say, that

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