King's Business - 1922-11

T HE K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S because this historic event happened in our time, and are bound to express our gratitude to the League of Nations, to the British Government,* to the Ameri­ can Government and people, and to the Earl of Balfour, the author of the British Government pledge of 1917, which hears his name.” But The Jewish Chronicle, London, is sorely grieved. This staunch Zionist journal sees nothing of special value in the approval of the mandate for Pales­ tine now, since the recent statement of the Colonial Secretary, Mr. Churchill, that the Balfour Declaration did not intend the establishment of a Jewish Commonwealth in Palestine, that the idea of a Jewish Palestine is wholly precluded. But in spite of enemies within Israel and enemies without, the plan of God will be carried through, and finally all Israel will return to their own land. Meaning of the Mandate for Believers We who are believers in the truth of Holy Scripture know that Jehovah will fulfill his own promise. The covenant with Abraham can never be­ come void. The Great War was waged in the. divine purpose to free the land

1137 of Palestine from the Turk and open the way for the return of the Jews. Whatever be the hindrances, and they are many, the Jews must return. What we see before us is the budding of the fig tree. The importance of this fact is revealed in the words of our Lord in Luke 21:29-31. “ Behold the fig tree, and all the trees; when they now shoot forth, ye see and know of your own selves that summer is now nigh at hand. So likewise ye, when ye see these things come to pass, know ye that the kingdom of God is nigh at hand.” How terribly solemn for a world held fast in sin. The King himself is near, and he will set up his own kingdom very THE CHRISTIAN WORKER “ Oh, matchless honor, all unsought, High privilege surpassing thought, That thou shouldst call me, Lord to be Linked in such work, O God, with thee! To carry out thy wondrous plan, To bear thy message unto man; ' In trust with Christ’s own word'of grace, To each soul of the human race.”— Sel.


, o HE effort of Liberalists to answer William Jennings Bryan by call- £ ing him a fool is*as cheap as it is dishonest. Mr. Bryan’s almost V / half century of hold upon America and American thinking is not the grip of an intellectual imbecile. There has not a man appeared within this generation who has affected the thinking of Americans more than Bryan. To call such a man a fool is to prove that you are one. Mr. Bryan is this day the nation’s most outstanding prophet. He has seen further ahead than any man in public life. And when he points to the certain de­ cay of the church and our civilization unless we “ get back to God” and quit “ tampering with the mainspring,” he but proves that his vision is not dimmed. Bryan has forgotten more than most of his ministerial crit­ ics’ heads would contain if you’d tamp it in with a pile driver. There is a good and sufficient reason why many of these liberalists can not under­ stand his position. However, I am too tender and kind to mention that reason. The fact is, not to be personal, you understand, there are some of these evolutionists that are themselves the best proof possible of their theory. When you ape some fellow who aped some other man who aped, in order to appear scholarly, you get closer to the missing link than Dar­ win ever dreamed his followers would come.—Rev. Bob Shuler.

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