King's Business - 1922-11

T HE K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


three times. In Mt. 9:17; Lk. 5:37 the old bottles, or wine-skins, are said to perish when they burst, but they were not annihilated, hut ruined as far as their power to hold wine was concerned. See also Mt. 8:25; 26:52; Lk. 15:17; Jn. 11:50; Acts 5:37; 1 Pet. 1:7; 2 Pet. 3:6, and others, where the thought of annihilation is impossible. 3. It is translated “ lose” thirty-two times. Think of an annihilated sheep being found, an annihilated coin found, an annihilated man sought and saved (Lk. 15;:6, 9, 24, 32; 19:10)! See also Mt. 10:6; 15:24; Lk. 9:24, 25, and others, where the idea of annihilation is impossible. 4. The noun" is translated “ destruc­ tion” five times (Mt. 7:13; Rom. 9:22; Phil. 3:19; 2 Pet. 2:1; 3:16), and an­ other noun from the same root is trans­ lated “ destruction” four times (1 Cor. 5j:5; 1 Thess. 5:3; 2 Thess. 1:9; 1 Tim. 6 :9). Nearly all of the texts re­ fer to future punishment, and while from them alone no argument either way can be produced, yet there is no reason for thinking that -the' meaning here differs in any way from the plain meaning of the same verb and noun as found elsewhere. 5. The same noun is translated “ per­ dition” eight times. Hence destruction and perdition are the same. In Rev. 17:8, 11 we are told that this same beast, with the false prophet, was cast into a lake of fire burning with brim­ stone. Moreover, Rev. 20:10 says that, a thousand years later, the beast and the false prophet are still there and that the devil will then be cast into the same place, where he w ill'be tormented for ever and ever. Hence perdition is the same as the lake of fire and is endless. And if destruction is the same as perdi­ tion it is the same as the lake of fire, and is endless. 6. The noun is also translated “ waste” in Mt. 26:8; Mk. 14:4. This is

are many Old Testament and no less.. than four- New Testament words ated “ destroy” and “ de­

struction.” It is not necessary to con­ sider the Old Testament words, even if it were true that some do apparently favor annihilation, for it is a well-known principle of interpretation that an ob­ scure Old Testament verse must not he made to contradict a plain New Testa­ ment truth. Of the fourteen New Testament words only four have any connection with this subject, and three of them are but dif­ ferent forms of one (apollumi). The first-meaning given to this word in Thayer’s Greek Lexicon is “ to destroy, i.e., to put out of the way entirely, abol­ ish, put an end to, ruin.” Also, “ to per­ ish, waste, render useless,” and the like. As we trace these forms in the New Testament we will find that the thought of annihilation, of causing non-exis­ tence, does not appear. The word really means to ruin so that the person or thing no longer serves the purpose for which they were intended. 1. The verb is translated “ destroy” twenty-six times. From some of these texts neither annihilation nor the oppo­ site can be proven, but a study of them as a whole will show that there is no thought of extinction of being. In many instances the word clearly means to de­ prive of natural life, to kill (Mt. 2:13; 12:14; 27:20). Think of ungodly men annihilating Jesus! It means to bring to naught, or render inoperative in 1 Cor. 1:19. See also Rom. 14:15. 2. It is -translated “ perish” thirty-

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