King's Business - 1922-11

T HE K I N G ’S B U S I N E S S hate hypocrisy, which is the worst of sins.-—Cox. For she loved much. All true love to God is preceded in the heart by a sense of sin and an assurance of pardon. Gratitude to God as the Giver of blessings can scarcely be called love if there be not along with it a recogni­ tion of His holiness and mercy toward the penitent.—Maclaren. Does Jesus mean that she had been forgiven be­ cause she loved much? This would vio­ late the statement in verse 42 that the debtor had nothing wherewith to pay his debt— no ground on which he could claim release. The word “ foY” here means that Jesus is arguing from effect to cause. Her great love shows that she is conscious of having been forgiven a great debt. The great lesson is com­ mended to all to show their gratitude by loving much.—Wordsworth. It is far better to be a redeemed outcast filled with intense love, than a cold moralist. — Bennett. v. 50. Go in peace. Literally “ into peace,” the state of mind to which she might now look forward.-—Alford. No peace till forgiven. No peace for uncan­ celled sin. But with our King’s pardon, we need not be afraid.—Miller. Memory Verse.— "He is kind toward the unthankful and evil.” Luke 6:35. Approach.— Boys and girls, how many of you had a lantern or flashlight to show you the way this morning so you would not stumble? What makes you laugh when I ask if BEGINNERS you had a light? Of AND PRIMARY course you did not Mabel L. Merrill need to carry a light for the sun is shining and giving its light and warmth, and all is bright around us. Did you use all the light of the sun? Did every­ body have light enough? Who made the sun, and causes it to give forth its light? Jesus Loves Everybody. Luke 7:36- 50.


called the sinful because He expected converts from that class to make the best citizens, we learn from this parable. The test of good citizenship is devotion. Christianity believes in the possibility of the last becoming first. It seems a haz­ ardous assertion, nevertheless the his­ tory of the church has fully justified it.— Bruce. v. 43. Thou hast rightly judged,. If this poor woman had been a greater sinner than he, she was now a more loving saint.— Parsons. The Christian­ ity that minimizes sin and has nothing to say about pardon, does not produce ardent love for Christ. v. 44. I entered into thine house. How it must have 'taken down the rich and patronizing Pharisee tp have it flashed upon him that the seemingly humble carpenter and peasant of Naza­ reth knew what a gentleman meant and who was not a gentleman. It was in­ evitable that the odious comparison made with the woman would draw down on Simon both observation and laughter, r—Grosart. Perhaps Simon thought he was a gentleman and our Lord was not. He may have treated Jesus with per­ sonal rudeness just because He was poor. Our Lord felt it and called at­ tention to it plainly and pointedly Winterbotham. Simon feels himself no sinner nor counts it therefore any great thing to be privileged to entertain the sinner’s Friend.—Vaughan. No water for my feet. The feet defiled on dusty roads, being only partly covered by the sandals, it was a matter of common courtesy to wash the feet of guests(Jn. 13(15). Observe the contrast between the commonplace Courtesies Simon had omitted and the extraordinary acts of reverencè and devotion the woman had done.— Horn. Com. v. 47. Her sins, which are many. Flagrant sinners are much more likely to discover that they are sinners than moralists and ritualists. Christ is not teaching us here to run into sin, but to

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