King's Business - 1922-11

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Boston has a new church building for the use of all denominations. It Is called “ God’s Church of Universolo- gy.” Within a week the pulpit was occupied by Baptist, Congregational, Methodist, Episcopalian, Presbyterian, Swedenborgian, Unitarian and Univer- salist preachers. Was it a Slip Knot? New York World recently carried a front page feature headed: “ Baptist Parson Wins Wedding Speed Palm.” Then follows a dispatch from Knoxville, Tenn., which says, “ Two Baptist min­ isters and three Methodist ministers competed here today in a contest to de­ termine who could tie the speediest marriage knot, and the Baptists won. The Rev. R. Pedigo pronounced Ernest Messer and Ruby Ferguson man and wife in 15 seconds.” Has He Bun Out of Material? The following is clipped from a Stockton, Calif, daily paper: “ At the midweek prayer meeting tonight in the First Congregational Church, Rev. Har­ ley Gill, the pastor, who has just re­ turned from his vacation, will describe and discuss Drinkwater’s play, ‘Abra­ ham Lincoln,’ which he saw in San Says the Baptist of Chicago: “ The Baptist does not claim to represent the theological opinion of individuals or of groups as such. It is not a Funda­ mentalist organ. It is not a Modernist organ. It is a Baptist organ.” Pray tell —what kind of an organ is that? It is not the organ of those who believe the Bible and it is not the organ of those who do not believe the Bible. By Francisco while away.” Theological Anarchists?

An English minister files this com­ plaint against the liberal Christology: “ It draws a portrait of Jesus which does not overstep the limits of the human, and yet claims for this concep­ tion of the ideal man the very extremes of religious value, and sets him up as an object of religious worship.” The question is—How can those who have broken with orthodoxy retain for Christ any unique position or any place of authority? Successful Evaders The Christian Register (Unitarian) took much delight in the seeming de­ feat of the Fundamentalists, in the Bap­ tist; Convention, but we note the follow­ ing statements, which are very signifi­ cant, coming from this source: “ The Convention voted for the New Testa­ ment as the basis of Baptist belief. The phrasing is general and inclusive. It is, in fact, a compromise, even an eva­ sion, for there are beliefs as rigid and unacceptable to liberal Baptists in the New Testament as in the rejected con­ fession. The press of the country has been greatly interested in giving large space to the proceedings, for it was gradually understood that a real crisis for every church in Protestantism was being met by one branch of the whole body. Our impression at this time is that the issue is not settled at all, but only smoothed out for a season. Our. brethren have an accommodating way of manipulating words so as to deceive the elect and make everybody feel good.”



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