King's Business - 1922-11



prof , pau l M c C onnell Piano and Organ Instructor

REV. W. H. PIKE Superintendent Evening Sckool

“When our servant boy died three months ago, having taken his own life w ith poi­ son, and I beheld our enemies taking ad­ vantage of this unfortunate event to a c­ cuse me of crime I must confess that the black clouds began to roll over me and I felt that my soul was in deep waters. I am sure that I passed through the three darkest days of my life at that time. Satan sought hard to triumph, both w ithout my heart and within, and though my clear vision of Christ was dimmed fo r a season by my perm itting Satan to fill my mind with fear and many perturbing im agina­ tions, the Lord was careful not to let me go under and He sent much com fort and assurance through His W ord and in the cheer o f the beloved brothers and sisters o f the Mission. When I was notified to appear the second time in San Pedro to WAITING FOR THE DAWN Amid earth’s toil and weariness we watch for Thee, 0 King, And know that some unclouded morn our promised Lord will bring; We wait until Thy voice shall break across the restless strife— Until Thy hand shall guide our feet to realms of endless life. We long to stand within Thy light—to see Thee face to face— Beyond this shadowland of life to find a resting-place; We turn from earth unsatisfied;—we strain our eager eyes,. To watch the dawning of the day break over Paradise.

be put in jail, I was given a peace from above which would have been both im­ possible and unbelievable in my own heart outside the grace o f God.” A. G. Seigle, ’14, writes from Bangkok, Siam: "W e are sure you w ill be glad to know that the Lord has graciously blessed our efforts these last few months. H ow ­ ever, you are not to think o f thousands com ing to us for entrance into the k in g­ dom, but here and there a soul is gathered in and so the w ork goes on. Hundreds crowd the doors of our chapels and hear the W ord from week to week, but like the parable of the Sower “Some seed fall by the wayside some on stony ground some among thorns: but praise to H is name, some fall on the good ground, and it is o f these that we ask you to rejoice with us.” O come and claim Thy ransomed ones, for we have waited long To welcome Thee, our risen Lord, with glad, triumphant song: Be Thou our guide while yet our feet must tread the earthly way, And lead Thy pilgrims through the night to everlasting day. —Edith Divall. LISTEN! B. I. FOLKS! You’ re the ones to boost the K. B. Recommend it for the Sunday School next year. Both International and Fundamen­ talist Lessons Carried.

(See Page 1105)

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