Social Studies Grade 3

Week 2.5

3. What do historians use to find answers? a. evidence

b. the past c. problems d. questions

Materials Needed: N/A Online Related Media: Video: “Mrs Archambo” Extended Reading Articles: N/A

Article 2: Primary and Secondary Sources (taught with “Types of Sources”) Word Count: 124 Vocabulary: primary source: sources created by people who saw or experienced something themselves secondary source: sources made by people who did not see or experience events themselves High Impact Teaching Strategy: Deliberate Practice Lesson Plan: 1. Set a purpose for reading: We are going to read about the sources that historians use to learn about people, places, and events of the past. As we read, look for the two types of sources they use and how they differ. 2. Read the article. As you reach each type of source, have students circle the words “primary” and “secondary.” 3. Discuss the differences between the two types of sources. Discuss the meaning of the words “primary” and “secondary:” a. Primary: root word “prime,” meaning “first.” b. Secondary: root word “second.” 4. Show students the video “Primary and Secondary Sources.” 5. Complete the activity at the bottom of the page “Types of Sources.” Give students time to decide if each image is a secondary or primary source. Discuss each image as a class. 6. Have students refer to the article to answer the questions during the discussion. 7. Hand out the graphic organizer Primary Pieces. Read the instructions as a class. 8. Give students time to complete the graphic organizer. You can add additional items for the students to sort by bringing in other sources or using image sources provided in related media. 9. Have students put the graphic organizer Primary Pieces into their interactive notebooks. a. How do you know it is a primary source? b. How do you know it is a secondary source?

Sources | Week 2

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