Social Studies Grade 3


High Impact Teaching Strategies: Questioning, Collaborative Learning, Explicit Teaching Lesson Plan: 1. Introduce the concept of an amendment. 2. Read the article “The Amendments.” 3. Have students underline important information about the amendments in the article. (Responses will vary. Amendments are changes to the Constitution. There are currently 27 amendments. The first 10 are called the Bill of Rights. Congress sets up amendments. States ratify, or approve, amendments. Three-fourths of states must ratify an amendment.) 4. Ask students to consider why three-fourths of states must ratify an amendment for it to be passed. (Student responses will vary. The main idea is that there should be a clear majority of the people who agree with a proposed change.) 5. Ensure the students understand that the Constitution can be amended and that the first 10 amendments to the Constitution make up the Bill of Rights. 6. Show students the video “Bill of Rights Intro.” 7. Read the article “The Bill of Rights.” 8. Have students add information about the Bill of Rights to the Important Documents graphic organizer. 9. Optional Extension: a. This activity covers the freedoms covered in the First Amendment. List the rights mentioned in the article “The Bill of Rights” on the board. (freedom of expression (speech), freedom of religion, the right to vote, and the right to a fair trial) b. Explain to students that they are going to learn about the rights covered in just the First Amendment in the Bill of Rights. (religion, speech, press, assembly, and petition) c. The vocabulary in this article is content-heavy and a bit difficult. Read the online article “The First Amendment” together. Then, work together as a class to complete the Kid Friendly First Amendment graphic organizer, using the article.

Article Assessment Questions: 1. What are changes to the Constitution called? a. ratification b. adjustments c. amendments d. the Bill of Rights 2. How many Amendments are there today?

a. 10 b. 18 c. 27 d. 36 3. Who sets up the process for states to ratify an amendment?

a. Congress b. governors c. the president d. the Supreme Court

Important Documents | Week 9

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