Materials Needed: Graphic organizer Daily Push/Pull Factors
Online Related Media: N/A Extended Reading Articles: N/A
Article 6: Community Push and Pull Factors Word Count: 41 Vocabulary: N/A High Impact Teaching Strategies: Personal Application, Focused Practice Lesson Plan: 1. Have students move or migrate to places for group work. Students should work in pairs or small groups. Each group should brainstorm and discuss possible reasons that people move to their community and possible reasons that people move away from their community. Have each group make a list of their ideas and decide if each reason is a push or pull factor. 2. Have students individually write paragraphs that explain their ideas. Encourage students to use the vocabulary terms from the week in their paragraphs. 3. Extension activity: This activity could be replaced with a guided inquiry project that asks students to research the question “Why did people move to my community?" 4. There is a graphic organizer called Extension Inquiry, including full teacher instructions, included as a pdf in related media. Article Assessment Questions: N/A Materials Needed: N/A
Migration | Week 21
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