Summary of the Week: Students will learn about land use and how communities change over time. Standards: N/A Teacher Background Knowledge: N/A Notes for Teacher: The sequence of articles in this week is designed to build and support the learning of concepts for students. Essential Question: How does land use influence change in communities? Learning Objective: Students will learn about land use and how communities change over time. "I Can" Statement: I can describe the different ways communities use land and how communities change over time. Student Edition Vocabulary and Phrases: rural: large spaces of undeveloped land often used for farming suburban: an area of land outside of a city where fewer people and businesses are urban: land, such as a city, where many people live in one area Language for Social Studies Learning: Language for Social Studies Learning includes any unbolded terms and phrases in the student edition and the teacher edition that enable student understanding. We suggest using a graphic organizer, such as a Frayer box, to assist in student understanding of the weekly vocabulary. developed: land that has been changed by constructing buildings Critical Thinking Question: Ask students to discuss their community: its buildings, roads, and modes of transportation. Have them predetermine if they think their community is urban, suburban, or rural. After students respond, ask them what evidence they have to support their claim.
Urban, Suburban, and Rural Land Use | Week 28
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