King's Business - 1918-03

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Will readily take rank as one of the most satisfying and useful gospel songbooks ever offered to thè great body of church workers who are more than ever- awake to the power and possibilities of the RIGHT KIND OF GOSPEL MUSIC in winning the most glorious victories in evangelization and church upbuilding. RODEHEAVER; SONGBOOKS are, the winning songbooks of the,hour, and,this, gregit new book ns another great triumph of Rodeheaver songbook: making.

The Big Favorites Are Here, Too “ Since Jesus Came Into My Heart.” “ Brighten the Corner W here You Are,” “ I Walk "with thè "King,” "My Wonderful Dream,” “ I Want to See Jesus, Don’t You?” "“ Sail On,” “ In the Garden,” and other songs -of previous Rodeheaver Books that proved immense favorites are in­ cluded in Awakening Songs. You cannot get along without them. .The departments for the male singers, for primary work, for chorus work, are especially excellent, while great :care has been exercised in compiling the old, favorite hymns and the responsive readings. Free Examination Anyone interested iff the "Improvement of the singing in their ehurch may examine a copy of any of the bindings without charge by merely stating that they will return -¿he book in good condition within 15 days or will remit the retail price. In'case a quantity order results from thè’ examination no charge will be made. for the sample copy. Ask for our . special premium- offer on orders amounting to $15,00 or more.

The New Songs Are Superfine They are all 100 per cent useful and effect tive. W o know they are, for they have : been given grilling tests in Billy Sunday campaigns. Many were given this most severe test, and only those that registered unusually high were chosen. In addition to the new songs shown in this small booklet there are many more in the com­ plete book, including many that are -very effective as solos, duets and quartets. Comes In three bindings—vellum cloth board, limp cloth and manila. The prices are: S&gggj • | Cloth Limp Manila Single copies, postpaid,.^.. . *•••••.«.^350 25c 20c Any quantity, mot prepaid, per copy.. 25c 18c 15c The Success of the -orchestrations : UrCtlCStratlOll 0f our previous books has been "remarkable. We are now preparing the scores on Awakening Songs, and the complete volumes will be ready hi the hear future. r .

Penny Object Lessons Object . lessons ' for children, com­ piled by Rev. C. H. Woolston; founder of the Penny Concerts in America, and- nne of the greatest object teachers this country , has produced; Frank B. Lane and Homer A. Rodeheaver, both of whom ar^ unsurpassed in this line of platform work. Under five heads: “ How to Catch the Eye,” “ How to Reach the Heart,'' “ How to Con­ vince the M ind," “ How to Simplify the Truth," and “ How to Remem­ ber the Message." 25c per copy.

Solo -and Duet Books Soloists and duetists4 will welcome with delight the three new Rode­ heaver publications listed below: Rodeheaver Duets. " Rodeheaver Solos—High Voice. ■ Rodeheaver Solos-r-Low •Voice. Sixteen pages of high-class music in each book; octavo size, beautifully printed- and bound. Easily dollar value for only 25c per copy, post­ paid.

Our Country’s Songs Compiled by Homer A. Rodeheaver. Edited by Chas. H. Gabriel. 48 pages and hahdsome cover, old and new patriotic songs, folk songs and gospel songs, and hymns appro­ priate for patriotic gatherings. 10c. per copy postpaid; $6.00 per 100, not prepaid. Substantial discount on-500 òr more. Many partiotic citizens are distrib­ uting these books in large quantities, in soldiers' and sailors' encamp­ ments—a useful hint to you.

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