King's Business - 1918-03



all the directions were especially in connec­ tion with it? Are the signs that were to follow their teaching just as special as the other matters ? Can you recount any authentic case from the foreign mission field today o f missionaries casting out de­ mons? (See “ Pastor Hsi” , by Mrs. Howard Taylor, or “De.mon Possession and Allied Themes,” by Dr. John Nevins.) About how large is the heathen popula­ tion o f the world today? (The total popu­ lation o f the world is about 1,600,000,000. Oyer 1,000,000,000 are non-Christian, i. e., two out o f every three persons in the world are not even professing Christians.) About how many missionaries are there in non- Christian lands? (About 26,000—including wives o f missionaries). How many people does that give for each missionary to reach? . (About 40,000). How many ordained ministers have, we in the United States in 'proportion to our population? (One to about every 626 people, and this proportion, does not count other Christian workers that we have in large numbers in addition to our force o f ordained workers). Have you asked God definitely whether He wants you in the foreign field? If not, why not? Will you do so now? What occasioned John’s death? What was the name o f the king who killed John? What was the name o f the king who tried to kill Jesus'? Were they the same? How were they related ? Explain about this. What had Herod done that John rebuked him for,?' Was this right o f Herod, or was it a sin ? So what was it that began to bring about John’s death? What had John done about Herod’s sin? What had John been doing before this? Where did he live? Whose forerunner was he? To whom had John spoken about Herod’s sin? Why was John not afraid to speak1so to-the king? Was it right o f John to rebuke Herod? What should a faithful friend always do? What should a faithful ser­ vant always do? To what two persons was John faithful? When Herod stands at God’s judgment seat what can he not charge

against. John? (cf. Moses, Deut. 30:19; Paul,' Acts 20:26, 27). What did Herod recognize that John was? (v. 20). How did he enjoy his preach- ing? (v. 20). Had it any influence on his conduct? What did John’s preaching lead him to do? What did it not influence him to do ? Why ? Do people act like that today? How much sin must we be willing to give up if we are tp be saved? How much sin will be allowed in heaven ? What did Herod do on one o f his birth­ days? What did they do on such an occa­ sion? What sort o f a day is it called? (21 f.c.). For whom was it a “convenient day” ? (Herod, Herodias, the Devil). What did Herodias’ daughter (Salome): do at the feast to help the fun? What do you think o f her for doing so?/ . What do you think of her mother for allowing her? What do you think o f Herod for allowing her? How did the performance please,the king? What did he offer her for reward? (v. 22). What sort o f a man does that show he was? Who did she consult as fo what to ask? What did she tell her? What sort o f a woman does this show her and Salome to be? How did Herod feel when Salome told him? What should he have told her? Was John’s head really in Herod’s gift? What was he afraid to do? Is one eyer bound to fulfil a promise that leads to wrong doing? What did the king command to be .done? What did Salome do with her awful g ift ? V When Herod heard o f Jesus’ works whom did he say Jesus must be? What made him think so? Had he got rid of John and his preaching when John was dead? Why not? What confession did he have to make ? (v. 16).. What did he believe about the dead? What is the only way to have a quiet heart? To have a clean heart? Where had John’s spirit gone when Herod beheaded him in prison? He had been faithful unto what? How does God reward such faithful ones? Was John the mur­ dered, or Herod the murderer, the happier man? Which would you be? \

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