King's Business - 1918-03



disciples if they had passed the baskets to those near, but forgbt those far away? Aren’t we Christians forgetting to share Christ with the millions in India and China ?i A missionary was telling an A fri1 can o f Christ giving his life in our stead for our sins. The African asked, “How long have you lenown it? My parents died not knowing it. Why didn’t you come sooner ?” Christ bids every Christian girl do the impossible. “ Give ye them to eat.” You may be young, you may have little, but if yielded to the Master, Christ will do the miraculous and feed the multitude's through you, , cried out for fear. When He lovingly spoke to them, they were not longer afraid. His comforting words were, “ Be o f good cheer, (which means, be happy) it is I ; be not afraid.” Peter now felt that he could do anything with Jesus’ help, so he said, “Lord, let me come to you on the water.” The Master said, “ Come.” Peter stepped out o f the boat and started toward Jesus, walking on the water. But when he saw the great waves, and looked at them instead of Jesus’ face, he began to sink, because he forgot that Jesus was near and was afraid. He cried, “ Lord save me.” Jesus reached out, and taking him by the hand, lifted him above the water. As they walked together toward the boat, he ;said, “ If you had let me help you every moment you would not have sunk, because it is by my power. When they were in- the -boat, the wind stopped, the sea was calm and they were soon at. the shore. The Bible says they forgot the loaves and fishes, but having seen again His great power they worshipped Him and said, “ Truly, Thou art the son of God.” Prayer— Help us always to .look"to Jesus for help, then we need not fail.

friends or strangers? Recall that these folks were seated upon the ground in the open, picnic fashion. Notice the four things Christ did. He took, blessed, broke and gave. Observe that all ate and all were filled. The food provided in Christ, the bread of life, is certain to satisfy (John 4:14). If any went home hungry it was his own fault. With all the bounty Christ provided some might have refused to eat. I f you are not satisfied it is because you are not feasting upon Christ Jesus. There is nothing more that God can do. All is yours for the taking. What would you have thought of the M e m o r y v e r s e : “ Be o f good cheer, it is I ; be not afraid.”—Mark 6:50, Preparation— How many o f you can swim ? Sometimes very little children know how. I think all who live near the "ocean should learn. It is not very hard to stay at the top o f the water, keeping one’s head out. But have you ever tried to walk on the water? Try it some day in the bath tub. Do you think you could do it ? i Only God has this power. Presentation —After feeding the five thousand people, as night came on, they all went back to their homes. The Lord Jesus told the disciples to get into the boat and go to a little town near by, that had been the home o f Peter and Andrew before they went to Capernaum to live. He went alone up into the mountain to pray. As night came on, a strong wind blew the boat the wrong way. They took down the sails and tried to row to land. When they had worked nearly all night, they seemed as far from the land as ever. The Lord Jesus had seen'their trouble, and came to help them, walking on the water. When they saw Him passing by them, they did not know their Master, and they

BEGINNERS AND PRIMARY By Mrs. A. L. Dennis. Jesus Walking on the Sea

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