Materials Needed: “National Symbols” chart, butcher paper, tape Graphic organizer Patriotic Symbols
Online Related Media: Image: “Bird and a Nest” Image: “Bald Eagle” Extended Reading Articles: N/A
Article 4: Liberty Bell Word Count: 17 Vocabulary: liberty: freedom High Impact Teaching Strategies: Multiple Exposures, Feedback, Structuring Lessons Lesson Plan: 1. Prior to beginning the lesson, create the following message on a piece of chart paper. a. The __________ Bell is a patriotic __________. “Liberty” means __________. The __________ reminds us we are __________. 2. Show the “National Symbols” chart. Review what was learned in the previous lessons about symbols. Give feedback and assess student learning in order to determine if any reteaching is necessary. Ask: a. What is a symbol? (an object that stands for something else) 3. Have the students point to the images of the Statue of Liberty and bald eagle in the student edition. Ask the following questions, and give them the opportunity to share their answers with a partner. Encourage the use of the following sentence stems. a. What is this symbol? i. This symbol is the __________. (Statue of Liberty; bald eagle) b. What does this symbol stand for? i. This symbol stands for __________. (freedom; strength) National Symbols | Week 11
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