Social Studies Grade K


Materials Needed: “National Symbols” chart, previously prepared chart with message Graphic organizer Patriotic Symbols

Online Related Media: Image: “The Liberty Bell” Image: “The Crack in the Liberty Bell” Extended Reading Articles: N/A

Article 5: Washington Monument (taught with “Lincoln Memorial”) Word Count: 17 Vocabulary: memorial/monument: a place designed in memory of a person, group, or event High Impact Teaching Strategies: Multiple Exposures, Structuring Lessons Lesson Plan: 1. Show the “National Symbols” chart. Review what was learned in the previous lessons. Have the students name the symbols they have learned about and share what they stand for. Give students feedback and assess their learning. Based on their answers, do any necessary reteaching. 2. Read the title of the article “Washington Monument” as a class. Write the word “monument” on the board and discuss the word. Give students the opportunity to share if they know what a monument is. Ask: a. What is a monument? (Answers may vary.) 3. Explain that a monument is a place that is built to help us remember a person, group, or event. Discuss that people build monuments to remember people and events. We have monuments and memorials that are national patriotic symbols. They help us to remember important people in history. 4. Read the “Washington Monument” article together. Show the image “George Washington,” included in related media, and point out the image of the Washington Monument in the student edition. Review previous learning about George Washington. National Symbols | Week 11

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