iii. What do you notice in the images? (Answers may vary.) iv. Where is the event happening? (New York Harbor) v. Why is the event happening? (Answers may vary.) vi. How is the event happening? (Answers may vary.)
d. Have the students cut the images out of the student edition and glue the images in the correct order in their interactive notebooks. Students can work in partners for this activity. Guide the students to write “first,” “next,” and “last” above the pictures to sequence the events. Ask: i. What can we learn about history from this primary source? (Answers may vary.) e. Have a discussion about how these images are primary sources because the person who took the pictures was at the event when it was happening. They were there when the statue was being built. We can learn about this important event in history from these images.
Materials Needed: Poster Pal activity “Asking Questions About History” Graphic organizer Learning from Primary Sources
Online Related Media: N/A Extended Reading Articles: N/A Additional Answer Keys: N/A
History | Week 23
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