Social Studies Grade 4


Summary of the Week: Students will learn about the tools geographers use to study a place, including maps, globes, satellite images, and data. Standards: N/A Teacher Background Knowledge: Using geographic tools and skills will help students understand the world around them. Students should be able to use map tools to organize information from a map and describe the spatial organization of local communities, states, and countries. Students will use vocabulary terms associated with geography to understand the concept of where they are. Students will use tools that encourage them to look at the world from multiple perspectives. Notes for Teacher: ● The sequence of articles in this week is designed to build and support the learning of concepts for students. ● There are several opportunities in this week’s articles and lesson plans to make connections to grade level math concepts and standards. ● The lesson plan for the article “GIS Technology” requires additional materials that may not be readily available in a classroom. These items will need to be purchased and prepared ahead of time. Materials include: ○ 2-3 loaves of sandwich bread ○ three cans of chocolate frosting ○ three cans of vanilla frosting ○ one bottle of green food dye (to dye the vanilla frosting green) ○ clear plastic straws ○ plastic spoons ○ paper or plastic plates Essential Question: What tools can you use to learn about a specific place? Learning Objective: Students can use the tools of geographers to describe the location of a place. “I Can” Statement: I can use the tools of geographers to describe the location of a place.

Geographic Skills | Week 6

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