Social Studies Grade 4

Models of the World

the kind of information we will examine on the map. The map’s legend or key explains what the symbols and colors on the map represent. Maps have a compass rose. The compass rose is a symbol that shows the cardinal directions north, south, east, and west. The compass rose can also show the intermediate directions of northwest, northeast, southwest, and southeast. Distance is how far it is from one place to another. You can tell the distance on a map by looking at the scale .

means height above sea level. They can show the population, or how many people live there. They can also show the climate, or the weather over a long period of time. The person who creates a map is called a cartographer . A cartographer has a point of view and decides what to include on a map. There are map tools that we use to help us when using maps and globes. Map tools include the title, legend, compass rose, cardinal directions, and scale. The map’s title helps us know the map’s purpose and

There are different ways we can study the world’s geography. A globe is a model of the Earth. Globes show us where water, land, and countries are located. Globes are useful when you need to see the Earth in a more accurate, spherical shape. Maps are drawings of places around the world. They show where places are located and how to get there. Maps help us find the direction we need to travel. They can show large areas like continents or small areas like cities. Maps can show elevation, which

GIS Technology

Geographic Information Systems , also known as GIS, are a way of visualizing data on maps. As soon as people invented computers capable of doing it, they began using computers to map information. If you have data or information that matches locations on a map, you can use GIS to make a visual representation of that data on a map. Looking at the data on top of a map can show new relationships and patterns that might not have seemed obvious at first. Without the ability to map and visualize data, it can be difficult to understand it. Trends and patterns in data can often be missed if you do not understand the physical

use GIS to make detailed digital models of the sites where they find these artifacts. Mapping the data through GIS allows them to visualize the entire site and find patterns they might otherwise miss. Recreating sites digitally also allows them to limit the amount they disturb fragile historical sites. County governments in the state use GIS data to identify areas threatened by natural hazards. This helps them create and share evacuation routes with citizens. It also allows the counties to share other important information like flood zones and access to important services like fire stations and schools.

relationship between the various points of information. Any information that can be mapped can be visualized through GIS. Many different careers rely on GIS data and visuals. City planners can use GIS to map the riders on public transportation like buses and subways to make sure their transportation plans meet people where they are. Biologists observe the presence of endangered species and plan protection strategies through the information they learn using GIS. Archaeologists use GIS to map the presence of historical sites and artifacts. Archaeologists dig in the ground and dive into state waters to look for artifacts. They

Colorado River

Oceans and rivers create borders.

Political Features Political features , including cities, states, and countries, are organized by where people live. Political features can be seen on a political map. Many people in the world live in cities. Cities are organized into states. States come together to

form a country. Countries are grouped together to organize continents. Political maps show the borders of cities, states, and countries. A political map can also show how some borders have been created using the features

near them. For example, oceans, rivers, and mountain ranges can also create borders of countries or states. These borders help us by showing where one area stops and a new one begins.

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