Social Studies Grade 4


● Introduce the question “Can a map tell a story?” Through this question, students can explore the variety of information people may learn from a map. Let’s Draw or Write: ● Ask students to write a paragraph about one of the types of maps they have learned about and how it helps them study different areas of the United States from a spatial perspective. ● Write about your town or city, and describe it using geographic terms. You should also include information about the types of homes, jobs, recreation, location, and natural resources in your community or city. Wellness Questions: ● How does understanding location help you protect yourself? (Answers will vary but should demonstrate that students understand they need to know how to describe their location if they are lost.) ● When might it be useful to know how to read a map? (Answers will vary and should discuss the use of maps during an emergency when technology is not available. Possible answers can also discuss the difference between GPS and physical maps.) ● Draw a map of your home. Create a key that shows what parts of your home are important to you. ● How does the geography of your hometown impact your life? Consider your physical, mental, emotional, social, and academic wellness in your answer. (Answers will vary and should demonstrate the student’s understanding of the way geography impacts wellness.) Weekly Assessment Questions: 1. Matching: Match each piece of information to the map that contains it. annual rainfall data: climate map

how many people live in a region: population map community cultures and resources: cultural map state borders: political map

2. Open response: Study the graph of census data.

A construction company wants to expand. Should the company open offices in Minnesota and Wisconsin? Support the answer with evidence from the graph. (Yes, the population is increasing, so more buildings will need to be built.) 3. A school is comparing test scores of fourth graders over several years. Each year is Geographic Skills | Week 6

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