Social Studies Grade 4


Article 1: Why Is It Important to Study Geography? Word Count: 339 Vocabulary: geography: the study of places and the relationships between people and their environments and how things change over time High Impact Teaching Strategies: Collaborative Learning, Questioning, Setting Goals Lesson Plan: 1. Begin today’s lesson by presenting the unit essential question and unit learning intentions and success criteria. Clarify any questions that students have about the content and learning objectives of the unit. 2. Then, review the weekly essential question, learning intentions, and success criteria. 3. Have students preview the text to identify the vocabulary terms in this week’s publication. Give each student three copies of the Weekly Vocabulary Flipbook graphic organizer. 4. Give students time to record this week’s vocabulary terms and definitions on their graphic organizer. 5. Ask students to work in pairs or small groups to answer the following prompt: a. Why is it important to study geography? (Answers will vary.) 6. Have students present their answers to the class, and record student responses on another piece of anchor chart paper. 7. Read the article. While reading, students should underline, circle, or highlight evidence from the article that answers the question “Why is it important to study geography?” 8. Explain to students that geography impacts most aspects of our daily lives, including the food we eat, the clothes we wear, and how we interact with our environment. Studying geography and using geographic skills can help them understand current events, recognize patterns, and solve local, state, or international problems. 9. Extension activity: Divide the class into five groups. Have each group research a current geographic event from your state. Students will research the event and use geographic skills to understand the geographic event’s impact on people and the environment. Give each group a piece of anchor chart paper or poster board. On their anchor chart paper or poster board, students should include: a. a map of your state with the location of their event marked b. an explanation of the geographic skills and tools they used to understand this problem c. reasons why it is important to understand this problem d. ways that this problem impacts people and the environment e. possible solutions to this problem 10.Have each group present their research to the class. Give students time to ask and answer questions. Article Assessment Questions: 1. What does a geographer study? a. living things b. rocks and soil Geographic Skills | Week 6

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