Social Studies Grade 4


c. weather patterns d. people and places 2. Why were transportation systems invented? a. to bring goods to markets b. to visit distant family members c. to draw people closer together d. to make it easier to draw borders 3. What would a geographer not study?

a. the culture of two different villages b. what natural resources are available c. how the economy of a city developed d. why a governmental system was formed

Materials Needed: Poster board or anchor chart paper (optional) Crayons, colored pencils, markers (optional) Graphic organizer Weekly Vocabulary Flipbook

Online Related Media: N/A Extended Reading Articles: N/A

Article 2: Models of the World Word Count: 268 Vocabulary: cartographer: person who creates a map

compass rose : a symbol on a map or globe that shows the cardinal directions (north, south, east, and west) and intermediate directions (northwest, northeast, southwest, and southeast) globe : a model of the Earth legend or key : explains what the symbols and colors on the map represent maps : drawings of places around the world scale: used to determine the distance between two places on a map or globe

Geographic Skills | Week 6

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