Social Studies Grade 4


High Impact Teaching Strategies: Questioning, Collaborative Learning, Multiple Exposures Lesson Plan: 1. Working in groups, students should create a poster that includes everything they have learned about geography to this point. Students can include examples of geographic tools, definitions of geographic terms, reasons why we study geography, etc. 2. Have groups present their information to the class. While groups are presenting, record student responses on an anchor chart titled “What Is Geography?” 3. Explain to students that this year, they will learn about the geography of the United States and how it has influenced the government, economy, history, and culture of our country. This week will be a review of content they are familiar with (map skills and tools). 4. Read the article. While reading, students should underline or highlight the bolded terms and definitions in the text. 5. View the videos “Globes vs. Flat Maps” and “Cartography Intro.” 6. Add more information to the class anchor chart as students read the article and watch the videos. 7. Give each student a copy of the graphic organizer Blank Note-Taking Flipbook. 8. Students will write the bolded terms in each of the blank boxes on the cover of the flipbook and add definitions, examples, and pictures of each term in the center of the flipbook.

Article Assessment Questions: 1. What tool represents the Earth in its spherical shape? a. globe b. legend

c. map d. scale 2. Who creates maps? a. artists b. cartographers

c. geologists d. historians 3. What measures distance on a map? a. title b. scale c. legend d. compass rose

Geographic Skills | Week 6

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