Social Studies Grade 4


3. Which natural feature is not often used for marking a border? a. mountains b. oceans c. plains d. rivers Materials Needed: N/A Online Related Media: N/A Extended Reading Articles: N/A

Article 6: Spatial Perspective Word Count: 187 Vocabulary:

Global Positioning System (GPS): a system made up of over 18 satellites sending information to stations on the ground, allowing scientists to take very specific measurements of different locations all over the Earth spatial perspective: the study of geographic features of an area using multiple tools, such as maps, globes, and satellite images High Impact Teaching Strategy: Questioning Lesson Plan: 1. Ask students to read the title of the text. Ask: a. What is spatial perspective? (Answers will vary.) 2. Ask students to find and circle the bolded phrase “spatial perspective” in the text. 3. Read the article. 4. Ask students to underline tools used in studying the Earth from a spatial perspective. (maps, globes, and satellite images) 5. Ask students to write a paragraph about one of the types of maps they have learned about and how it helps them study the Earth from a spatial perspective. Article Assessment Questions: 1. What is the study of geographic features using multiple tools?

a. political science b. global positioning c. spatial perspective d. human geography 2. What system is made up of over 18 satellites? a. tsunami warning system b. global positioning system c. spatial perspective system d. earthquake prediction system 3. What is used to study spatial perspective? a. globe

Geographic Skills | Week 6

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