Social Studies Grade 4


Article 1: Economic Activities Word Count: 65 Vocabulary: N/A High Impact Teaching Strategies: Collaborative Learning, Metacognitive Strategies, Questioning, Setting Goals Lesson Plan: 1. Begin today’s lesson by reviewing the weekly essential question, learning objectives, and “I can” statements. Clarify any questions that students have about the content and learning objectives for this week. 2. Have students preview the text to identify the vocabulary words in this week’s publication. Give each student a copy of the graphic organizer Weekly Vocabulary Flipbook. 3. Give students time to record the vocabulary terms and definitions for this week on their graphic organizer. 4. Have students preview the articles in this week’s publication, noting vocabulary terms, images, and other nonfiction text features. 5. Read the article as a class. 6. Then, show students the videos “Agriculture,” “Economy of the Southeast,” and “Economy of the Midwest Intro.” 7. Have students discuss with a partner: a. What are three facts from the article that surprised you the most? (Answers will vary.) b. What do you think is the most important economic activity in the United States? Ask students, “What makes you think that?” concerning their answers. (Answers will vary.) c. Which economic activity do you think generates the most money in the United States? Ask students, “What makes you think that?” concerning their answers. (Answers will vary.)

Article Assessment Questions: 1. What is not a question answered by economics? a. Who receives it?

b. How is it produced? c. When is it produced? d. What gets produced?

2. What is economics?

a. where people travel for work b. when different crops are grown c. what type of houses people build d. how people use natural resources 3. What economic activity is not listed in the article? a. agriculture b. forestry c. manufacturing d. tourism

Materials Needed: Anchor chart paper

Economic Activities | Week 16

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