Social Studies Grade 4


Summary of the Week: Students will learn about the rights that U.S. citizens have and laws that ensure that these rights are protected from government infringement. Standards: N/A Teacher Background Knowledge: N/A Notes for Teacher: ● The sequence of articles in this week is designed to build and support the learning of concepts for students. ● The lessons that correlate to the articles provide students with multiple exposures to the content. Students will learn about the content through print, videos, visual representations, and hands-on activities. This will allow students to learn and understand the content through visual, auditory, and tactile learning. Essential Question: What are the rights of U.S. citizens? Learning Objective: Students can identify and explain the rights of U.S. citizens. “I Can” Statement: I can identify and explain the rights of U.S. citizens. Vocabulary: citizen: an official member of a country, state, or community civil rights: rights that protect people from the actions of governments, organizations, or other people economic rights : financial choices and privileges that individuals may select without government interference, which enable people to make use of civil and political rights pledge allegiance: take an oath of loyalty political rights: rights that allow people to participate freely in government unalienable rights: also known as natural rights are rights that people are born with

and cannot be taken away, which include life, liberty, and freedom universal human rights: rights that are inherent to every person

Language for Social Studies Learning: Language for Social Studies Learning includes any unbolded terms and phrases in the student edition and the teacher edition that enable student understanding. We suggest using a graphic organizer, such as a Frayer box, to assist in student understanding of the weekly vocabulary. Citizens | Week 23

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