Social Studies Grade 4


Materials Needed: Graphic organizer Weekly Vocabulary Flip Book

Online Related Media: Video: “U.S. Citizenship” Extended Reading Articles: N/A

Article 2: Rights of Citizens Word Count: 291 Vocabulary: civil rights: rights that protect people from the actions of governments, organizations, or other people economic rights : financial choices and privileges that individuals may select without government interference, which enable people to make use of civil and political rights political rights: rights that allow people to participate freely in government unalienable rights: also known as natural rights are rights that people are born with and cannot be taken away, which include life, liberty, and freedom High Impact Teaching Strategies: Feedback, Collaborative Learning, Questioning, Worked Examples Lesson Plan: 1. Explain to students that this week, they will learn about the rights and responsibilities that people have in their community, state, and country. Today, they will learn about the types of rights that people have in the United States. 2. Give each student a copy of the graphic organizer Types of Rights. Students will use this graphic organizer to record information while reading the article. 3. Read the article as a class. Pause after each paragraph and discuss the information with students. Create a class anchor chart while reading for students to refer back to throughout the year (include the definition of each right and examples on the anchor chart).

Citizens | Week 23

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