Social Studies Grade 2 v2


Article 7: Scale Word Count: 40 Vocabulary: distance: how far one place is from another place scale: a tool on a map that represents the distance between places High Impact Teaching Strategies: Questioning, Explicit Teaching, Collaborative Learning Lesson Plan: 1. Show the students a ruler, a yardstick, and a tape measure. Point out centimeters, inches, feet, and yards. 2. Have a discussion, using the following questions, and invite the students to measure the following items: a. Which tool would you use to measure a pencil? (probably a ruler) b. Which tool would you use to measure your desk? (probably a yardstick) c. Which tool would you use to measure the length of our classroom? (probably a tape measure) d. When we drive somewhere, do we measure how far we’ve gone in inches? Feet? Yards? (We measure travel distance in miles.) e. Why do we use miles instead of inches or feet? (Answers will vary. If the distance is long, miles are better because they are a larger unit of measurement.) 3. Chorally read the article as a class. Have the students point to the scale on the map. Ask: “What tool does this remind you of?” (ruler, yardstick) 4. Use the images in related media of a scale, and model how to use the scale on the map. Show students its purpose and its use. The goal is to support the understanding that a scale helps us figure out how far away something is, because we don’t have life-sized maps. 5. Have the students work with a partner to complete the graphic organizer Using a Map Scale. Have them glue the organizers into their interactive notebooks when completed. 6. Have them add an image and a definition of “scale” to their flipbook. 7. Optional Challenge: Share the following riddle with the class: “Where can you find two whole cities in the space of an inch?” (On a map. Model the answer, if necessary.) Article Assessment Questions: 1. What is “distance”? a. the size of your shoe b. how much dinner you eat c. the number of friends you have d. how far one place is from another place

Map Skills | Week 17

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