H.E Mr Faysal Saeed Abdulnaby Alzeerah


BY THE NEW MILLENNIUM, global waste-to-energy market is projected to be worth US 37.64 billion. It amounted to a massive of 2.12 billion tons of waste each year we produced. A truck with waste can circle the Earth 24 times. We need 1.6 planets to absorb our waste as well as providing us with the resources and by 2030s, two. Without we realizing it, there is gold trashed in the waste we produce every day. The mass of plastic detritus present in the oceans is so enormous that it is called the “7th continent”. At this rate, there will be more plastic than fish in the oceans by 2050. National Geographic reported that 73% of all beach litter is plastic includes filters from cigarette butts, bottles, bottle caps, food wrappers, grocery bags, and polystyrene containers. 90% of plastic polluting our oceans is carried by just 10 rivers. According to World Economic Forum researchers, just 10 rivers across Asia and Africa carry 90% of the plastic that ends up in the oceans. The study states that eight of these rivers are in Asia: the Yangtze, Indus, Yellow, Hai He, Ganges, Pearl, Amur, and Mekong. Two of the rivers can be found in Africa: the Nile and the Niger. The problem of plastic in nature, particularly in our oceans, is a global crisis. Every minute, about a dump-truck load of plastic goes into the oceans, sullying beaches, hurting wildlife, and contaminating our food supply.

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