a list of these landforms on the board. Have the students share any experiences they may have with these landforms. 10.Use the graphic organizer Landforms and Bodies of Water. a. Have the students draw a picture of two landforms they learned about. b. Students will glue the graphic organizer into their interactive notebooks. They will be completing the remainder of the graphic organizer in the “Bodies of Water” lesson. Article Assessment Question: 1. What is a landform? a. hill b. river c. stream d. water Materials Needed: Poster Pal T-chart “Bodies of Water and Landforms,” globe Graphic organizer Landforms and Bodies of Water Cards (printed and cut out) Graphic organizer Landforms and Bodies of Water
Online Related Media: Video: “Landforms, Bodies of Water, and Physical Features - 1st” Image: “Physical Map of the United States” Extended Reading Articles: N/A
Article 3: Bodies of Water Word Count: 29 Vocabulary: bodies of water: areas on Earth where water collects and covers the land High Impact Teaching Strategies: Explicit Teaching, Multiple Exposures, Structuring Lessons, Differentiated Teaching Physical Characteristics of a Place | Week 16
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